12 New GTA V Screens: The Fast Life
Posted by bOnEs July 29, 2013 : 33 Comments : 26,143 Views
Rockstar has kicked off the new week by releasing 12 brand new screenshots entitled 'The Fast Life'.
The following statement was released to accompany the new screens:
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The following statement was released to accompany the new screens:
Here are some new screens featuring a taste of the fast life in Los Santos and Blaine County. You can find these and other screens that have been released in recent game previews in high-definition now over at www.rockstargames.com/V. Stay tuned for much more details and media from the game in August including the first proper unveiling of Grand Theft Auto Online.
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Comments (33)
- Cass27 (Guest) August 07, 2013I read somewhere saying theirs a background music out in the world like red dead redemption so it's not so stupid dude, it's very possible if we can play custom music I'd be impressed
- rythmick83 (Guest) August 05, 2013@Jesus - fair play, at least you can have a laugh
you ever seen bear grylls? am gonna equip meself with a blade as Trevor and head into the wild see what comes my way... hope you can climb some of the trees though... dont wanna get eaten by a grizzly - Bounty141 (Guest) August 05, 2013With the ear phones in the in the 2nd screenshot ,would you be able to listen to music while on foot .Or is it just here for realism.Its a bit of a stupid idea but something I just noticed.
- Jesus (Guest) August 04, 2013@rythmick83
That was the old Jesus, new Jesus is unforgiving. - rythmick83 (Guest) August 02, 2013@Jesus - dont take your own name in vain man, calm down innit, its a bit of speculation and hype to go with the buzz of GTA fans, chill ye beans lad! Some people do ask silly questions but why does it wind you up so much? are you a control freak? From what i heard when i was in school you basically are a nice guy and forgive everyone and accept them as they are. Them books must have been speculation too huh? bet that winds you up even more...
- Jesus (Guest) August 02, 2013Jesus Christ, why does everyone always have to read too much into shit? Can I drive the Dignity? Can we draw on the walls? Since there is a Love Fist shirt, can we listen to Love Fist? Go with confirmed fucking details. Don't stray onto other bullshit, and build it up to be more than they could even include. It'll only ruin the game for you. Go with facts, let the rest be a surprise.
- rythmick83 (Guest) August 01, 2013anyone mentioned Franklin has 2 lines shaved into his hair on the picture of him on his balcony?
How great would a mission be if Michael got locked up or kidnapped and the newly acquainted pals Franklin and Trevor had to boost him out? either from a prison, drug cartel warehouse or a vehicle in transit would be a beast! - rythmick83 (Guest) July 31, 2013bet when you see out a mission ending it on dignity you head out to sea to the song Dignity by Deacon Blue
- sorry (Guest) July 31, 2013Sorry I ment to say love fist
- trevor (Guest) July 31, 2013Notice that trever is wearing a shirt that says love that's a band from gta vice city does that mean that they will be in the radio station again
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