12 New GTA V Screenshots
Posted by bOnEs May 07, 2013 : 41 Comments : 57,071 Views
12 images from a digital Game Informer article leaked today initially from The GTA Network. Rockstar later officially revealed them described as, "Motorbike Action, Heists, High-Speed Chases and More..." And they certainly show that...
Here's the collection:
Via Rockstar Games:
Join us in the GTA V Forums for further discussion as always!
Here's the collection:
Via Rockstar Games:
Just added to the collection of Grand Theft Auto V screenshots at www.rockstargames.com/V is a brand new set of 12 action-packed shots in high-res featuring Michael, Franklin and Trevor in various states of play - parachuting over Blaine County, piloting over the coastline in a Cuban 800, as well as attending to business affairs solo and as a masked unit tackling heists. Enjoy.
Join us in the GTA V Forums for further discussion as always!
Also check out more screens from Edge in the forum topic here. Hopefully they will be officially released soon.All content created by and property of iGTA5.com and must not be reproduced without express written permission. © 2011-2025 iGTA5.com
Comments (41)
- Jimmy (Guest) June 19, 2013I can't wait until Gta 5 comes out it looks awesome!
- TheStupid (Guest) June 14, 2013Oh i dint know they were bringing out a new Grand Theft Auto,i would have thought it would have mentioned some where
- gta 5 lover (Guest) May 27, 2013shit dis game gonna be dope i mean lik fo real i cant wat 2 play as my nigga franklin but i wishes his name woold be tyrone likes me. I was just kiding about that last part, but seriously this game is going to be insanley fun, and i cant wait for it to be realesed, I wish they dint delay it but it will just make the game better in the long run i guess.
- daddy day care (Guest) May 12, 2013if saints row copied gta games why wouldnt gta copy back. saints row turned into a piece of crap after sains row the third they dont give a crap about their fans. rockstar is very careful on their games thats why rockstar games are my favorite. i got most of rockstar games like max payne 3 red dead, la noir, bully , all the xbox 360 gta games and i will get gta 5.
- ZombieRambo24 (Guest) May 12, 2013Idk why ppl r hatin on my comment. i love the fact that we can take drugs in gta. lol, I jus wanna kno more about it. I can't believe nobody else wants to kno. is that really a bad comment? Anyways, enough whining bitches. gta 5 is gonna be tha best 2013 game period. (I love that Michael s son gets stoned and plays Xbox 360! Haha
- Anthony (Guest) May 11, 2013I can't believe people are complaining about the screen shots. This is awesome.
- ZombieRambo24 (Guest) May 09, 2013Some credible source needs to find out a more detailed description of our players drug use in the game. we wanna no more about Trevor's meth problem(or advantage ). so tell us about the drugs! Lol
- gtagrl (Guest) May 09, 2013Fav bits: the scuba diving pic, the plane's perspective on how big the mountain really looks, and Franklin's motorbike helmet... :drool:
- stuntdriver ( ' o ' ) (Guest) May 09, 2013Gtav is gonna be epic might even be game of the year
- Guest (Guest) May 09, 2013am i the only one that noticed the grove street dude doing a driveby on some ballas?
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