24 New Screenshots

Posted by Jamie-Milne and TreeFitty May 02, 2013 : 16 Comments : 20,229 Views


Tearing up the dirtBuzzard heads to the beachDodo flies down the beachMichael's on a boat
Cops chase a yellow super carMonkey see, monkey RPGThe trio goes trick or treatingBuzzard on the bank tower
Sheriffs surround a red carTrevor with a minigunFranklin in the spotlightTrevor with a bandana
Masked up and ready to goMichael in Little SeoulMicheal on Vinewood BlvdMichael out runs the paparazzi
Lucifer, I'm homeNo time for Bahama MamasLightning near the dishesGetting a private dance
Calm waters near the lighthousePlanning the bugstars heistTrevor SCUBA divingFranklin lets bullets fly at LSX

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Rockstar has released another 12 screenshots.

Comments (16)

  • Spider man (Guest) July 27, 2013
    Is that a Bugatti
  • SilentG_11 (Guest) July 22, 2013
    Those playtesters are lucky....
  • trekbikeman (Guest) May 12, 2013
    Oh my god why is gta so amazing the photo of the Buzzard on top the bank makes me glance out into the distance. 4 Times the size of gta 4!!! Come on?? Thats freaking nuts?!?!
  • GTA5LOVER (Guest) May 06, 2013
  • Faraz (Guest) May 06, 2013
    R* is still working hard to give us a game like which we haven't seen before.
  • Faraz (Guest) May 06, 2013
    A lot more improvement in the visuals.
    Good signs of the improvement and the purchasable property is also confirmed which means R* is still developing the game.

    Before it the purchasable property was not a part of game.
  • TreeFitty (Guest) May 04, 2013
    All "officially released" full-resolution screenshots are uploaded and now all 24 are in this article with thumbnails for easier page loading.
  • monster trucker (Guest) May 03, 2013
    the guy on the sanchez is actually Franklin
  • TheBountyhunter141 (Guest) May 03, 2013
    I love the masks
  • legionostra (Guest) May 02, 2013
    Im seeing allot of references to the movie "heat" the screenshot with franklin at the aiport,the heist were a securicar gets knocked over with another truck +michael even says he saw that tactic in a movie (stated in the previews! Loving it great movie and AWESOME game thx for info
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