Four More Official GTA V Screenshots
Posted by JamieMilne November 14, 2012 : 17 Comments : 25,042 Views
A great finish to the day with the release of four more new screenshots.
As always come check out our GTA 5 forums for the latest on GTA V.
As always come check out our GTA 5 forums for the latest on GTA V.
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Comments (17)
- laserbeam (Guest) November 19, 2012Wow rockstar does it again.......i am sure it will sell out in minutes....PRE-ORDER now
- Slappy (Guest) November 17, 2012Flipping people off must be funny as hell xD
And i would really like to see a video of the three characters walking... like a 30 second video of in game footage of them walking just to see the walking animations. If they are different from character to character, or if they are all the same... i know its just walking, but for me it really makes a difference on the game if the main protagonist has a realistic walking animation - RussianGuy (Guest) November 17, 2012When I first found out that there would be 3 characters, I was excited. Then i saw Trevor and I thought, What the Hell? who on earth would like to play as an old dude who is probably screwed up? Now when i saw trailer 2 and a bunch of new screens, I realise, Trevor is the character that has all the features for a good GTA protagonist! Can't wait for this game!
- Everdrakonis (Guest) November 17, 2012This game is badass, they are incorperating all the great parts of all the previous games and bringing back one of my favorites San Andreas, cant wait to fly the hydra again, more so i cant wait to play this game in its new found glory.
- GTA5Cheats (Guest) November 17, 2012Trevor is the boss. Nothing like an angry old white guy!
- JamieMilne (Guest) November 17, 2012and they only came out 6 hours ago.
- JamieMilne (Guest) November 17, 2012the new screens, are in the screenshots page.
- IIx_WH3L4N_xII (Guest) November 16, 2012everyone die? new screens like 12 hours ago and other info but no posts
- Sh4h33rB (Guest) November 16, 2012travis looks like the person with police always on his tail
- grunt4life (Guest) November 15, 2012I'd like to see more of the military base, hopefully some in-game references to Buffalo Soldier, Lord of War,... Buying/trading some military hardware or other services (airstrike, HALO-jump, vehicle paradrop) trough a contact inside would be sweet! My social life will be going down the drain the very second they release this game! Its a price I'll gladly pay :)
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