Four New Action Screens

Posted by OptimumPx August 24, 2012 : 96 Comments : 36,265 Views

In my opinion a great way to round out the week is a fresh helping of new screens from our friends over at Rockstar! This time we're getting to see some great action shots with a 'business' theme!

Official GTA V Screenshot 9
The cops are on your tail! Better knock them outta the sky!

Official GTA V Screenshot 10
On the run now, but I'm sure we'll get away with the goods.

Official GTA V Screenshot 11
The water looks VERY nice this time around, doesn't it?

Official GTA V Screenshot 12
Don't lose your grip! You'd never make any money that way!

Unfortunately that's it for new screens for a few weeks or so, but we'll be keeping an eye out for any more information as it comes!

As always come check out our GTA 5 forums for the latest on GTA V and much more plus dissect these new screens in the forum topic here!

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