Grand Theft Auto V Finally Available

Posted by TreeFitty September 17, 2013 : 20 Comments : 15,153 Views

Five years in the making. Nearly two years since the official announcement. Grand Theft Auto V is finally in the hands of fans around the world for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. PC fans still have a bit of a wait on their hands but if GTA IV is anything to go by, a PC announcement could come at the very end of this year or very beginning of 2014 with a release mid-2014. Stay tuned.

GTA 5 Out Now

"Developed by series creators Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto V pushes the series forward in exciting new ways. For the first time, players can jump in and out of the lives of three simultaneously playable lead characters, experiencing all sides of an interwoven story. Set in a satirical reimagining of modern Southern California, Grand Theft Auto V offers players the freedom to explore the dense urban metropolis of Los Santos and the wide open countryside of Blaine County; plan and execute a series of epic heists; meet a vast array of strangers and freaks; or participate in a host of activities, from golf to arms trafficking, base jumping to yoga and much more.

Grand Theft Auto V also includes access to Grand Theft Auto Online, the revolutionary new open world online game launching October 1st that comes free with every copy."

Be sure to hit up the Social Club to track your stats and view more awesome features!

Of course many of you won't see this until later (due to an obvious distraction) but I want to again thank each and every one of you for visiting and following our social media extensions. Don't forget to come back and visit our Post-Release GTA 5 forums to discuss the game plus missions to give and receive help. We'll be putting together GTA 5 guides and updating GTA 5 information pages soon. Three characters and a seemingly unlimited way to complete missions is going to take a little time to sort out and create the best guides on the internet.

Stick with us and as always join us in the forums!

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