GTA Online Mode 'Capture' Coming In Next Title Update

Posted by bOnEs December 18, 2013 : 4 Comments : 10,898 Views

Title Update 1.08 is on it's way tomorrow for the Xbox 360 and PS3, and with it comes the latest FREE addition to the online experience. Capture will introduce 20 new Team-Based Jobs that span across 4 different types of modes. Strategy will play a huge role as you use decoys, traps, and obstacles to keep the enemies from your goods. Here's the new modes:


In Raid, you'll have to fight your way into your opponents' base and steal a package, then deliver it back to your base to score points. Reach the target score, or deliver more packages than your opponents do in the allotted time to win the match.

Legal highs and bad t-shirts aren't the only things being pushed on Vespucci Beach. Four factions raid each other's stashes for control of the area's 'tourist trade'. Take product back to your spot and it's yours.

Like any military operation, when things kick off at Fort Zancudo Air Base, they escalate pretty quickly. Teams stockpiling weapons to sell on the black market raid each other's bases at either end of the facility. If they get the goods back, they're banked. Nothing's off limits to be used here, including the fighter jets.

GTA Online
Fight for exclusive import rights at LS Int'l in one of the new Capture mode Jobs in GTA Online.


When playing Hold, teams must collect and store as many packages as possible in their base. Packages can either be found on the map, or stolen from the opposing team’s bases. Reach the target score, or hold the most packages when the time runs out, to win.

"Block Party"
Gang violence escalates in Chamberlain Hills, as block fights block at close quarters. Four factions with two packages each try to raid each other and protect their own stuff. If they get someone else's product back to their turf, they'll have to protect it.

GTA Online
Compete to get buses back to your base in 'All Abhorred'.


As the ubiquitous acronym might suggest, GTA mode tasks players with stealing target vehicles located all around the map, before bringing them back to their respective bases. Each team must fight to steal more vehicles in the allotted time than their opponents.

"My Maibatsu"
Four East Los car thief outfits compete to get hold of a shipment of Sanchez dirt bikes, and store them back at their bases, while preventing the other teams from doing the same. First place to look would be the Maibatsu Factory.

"Field of Screams"
A tractor shortage in Grapeseed leads to farmyard chaos. It's harvest time, and two rival gangs compete to bring a Fieldmaster tractor back to their bases. Farming is a deadly serious business in Blaine County.


In Contend, there's only one package, situated in the middle of the map. Teams must fight to bring this package back to their respective bases, and once the package is captured it respawns in the middle of the map and is up for grabs again.

"Salty Snatch"
Dog walkers and surfing talent agents look out - two import operations at either end of Chumash Beach are fighting over a shipment that's landed on the pier. Any product they can get to their spot in the sand is theirs to keep.

GTA Online
The contested package at the heart of a firefight.

As with every Title Update, there's a handful of tweaks to the online experience. Here's the list:

  • Increased cash payouts for losing teams in Last Team standing and Team Deathmatch.
  • Increased the cash and RP rewards for Races with multiple laps.
  • Cash payouts for Parachuting now take points scored into account.
  • Improved spawning for Deathmatches where the spawn points were previously very far apart.
  • Improved support for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian in the Creator.
  • Calling the mechanic now shows you if a vehicle on the list is destroyed or impounded.
  • Team balancing does a better job of putting friends and crew members together.
  • BETA Crew Head to Head matches are now available to play. To initiate a Crew Head to Head, you'll need to create a Playlist that does not contain Vehicle Deathmatches, Survivals or any Jobs that require more than 2 teams. From there, go into My Playlists and you'll see a prompt for Head to Head (BETA). This will launch the lobby and you'll be able to invite other players from your Crew, Friend's Crews or Skill Matched Crews.
  • Player blips no longer remain red on Missions when the player has a Bounty.
  • Players who end a Race as DNF are now awarded cash relevant to the amount of checkpoints they passed through during the course of the Race.
  • Players who race solo now earn cash. Previously, zero cash was awarded for a solo race.
  • Last Team Standing, Capture and Missions are separated out in the Create Playlist menu.
  • Small deduction to the amount of cash the winners of Races, Parachuting and Last Team Standing matches receive in order to increase payouts for all other participants.
  • Masks are now removed during Races where a helmet is required and are also removed by default when a player uses the Smoking animation.
  • The Purchase All Ammo option now charges the full value of filling all player held weapons with ammo.
  • Fixes an issue where GTA Online players could reach North Yankton.
  • Fixes a rare issue where characters could be lost if the player attempted to join GTA Online when disconnected from the Network.
  • Fixes for various duplicate vehicle exploits.
  • Fixes issues when using the Character Select from inside the Creator.
  • Fixes issues with ammo vanishing after testing a Deathmatch in the Creator.
  • Fixes exploits of the Fastest Lap bonus.
  • Glasses from the Beach Bum update now appear in the inventory menu.
  • Players in Tanks now have more protection from other players attempting to deliberately give them a Bad Sport rating.
  • Bad Sport timers now read properly and show the correct time left in the Bad Sport lobby instead of “00d00h00m”.

Join us in the GTA Forums to discuss the latest addition to GTAO!

Comments (4)

  • The Mad Dooby (Guest) December 19, 2013
    The issue with female height is nice, but I would like to know where all of our rat loaders went? That was at least 100,000 down the drain. Without warning. And the issue with people with tanks. Apparently they can blow you up in your personal vehicle and not have to pay for it. And there is still a glitch with picked up weapons in deathmatch. I lost all my sticky bombs the other day. And this was something that was suppose to be addressed in this update.
  • myyrath on PS3 (Guest) December 18, 2013
    Ok I understand that. But girls are naturally shorter than guys. So with heels they should be as tall. Not to nitpick..just wondering if the adjustment could be made. I have seen some really short guys and there seems no way to make the girl short even with sneakers on and no heels. I know a lot of people who play a female toon and they all said the same thing. Thanks for you time.
  • bOnEs (Guest) December 18, 2013
    @myyrath - if you use high heels, she will always be taller... she's normal height with regular shoes....
  • myyrath on PS3 (Guest) December 18, 2013
    Everything looks great. But will there be a patch for the female characters height. My toon is a female and she is really tall. Towers over all the other players. She looks good just odd that she is so tall. I have tied several times making female toons and they all turn out tall. Just wondering if this will be addressed. Thanks for all the hard work Rockstar!
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