Now Live (In Real Life)

Posted by TreeFitty via JamieMilne September 12, 2013 : 8 Comments : 27,779 Views

You may have noticed the LifeInvader link at the bottom of the official GTA V website and watched the video commercial. Now that social media website has crossed over into reality at


By clicking the logo top-left, you can see a random profile for a person or business. The sponsor links on the right also lead to a respective profile page. There are many new screenshots in these profiles so have a look around. Some of the profile posts are also worth a read. For those that don't feel like clicking a hundred times, here's a list of profiles available:

If you have a Rockstar Games Social Club account, log in to "stalk" profiles and there appears to be a comment feature (although it says your comments are moderated). Much like the recent updates to the Social Club, you can share LifeInvader posts with Facebook, Twitter, or get a link. Finally, there is a LifeInvader theme version of your Social Club profile available now too. It can be changed on your profile top-right just under your games played.

Will our actions on this real life website appear in-game? A few businesses are offering discounts to their stalkers that Rockstar has confirmed will be for GTA V's story mode. Join the discussions in the forums!

Comments (8)

  • TreeFitty (Guest) September 14, 2013
    A few of the profiles have updated.
  • TreeFitty (Guest) September 13, 2013
    Rockstar has confirmed that the discounts offered by some profiles are for GTA V's story mode.
  • Fmj fledsauce (Guest) September 12, 2013
    For people having trouble trying to log in put inn your information and make sure u press the sign in butten next to password if u just click go if your using a phone it won't work I had trouble to I just put my nickname and password ten pressed the sign in butten and it finally worked
  • TreeFitty (Guest) September 12, 2013
    A few people have had issues. I'm not sure if it's a certain browser or what.
  • Royaltyz (Guest) September 12, 2013
    i have SC account and im logged in to SC , but for some reason when i try to login to lifeinvader it just refreshes without login in
  • complixicata1 (Guest) September 12, 2013
    @Royaltyz Yes you can, if you have a Social Club account.
  • Royaltyz (Guest) September 12, 2013
    can you really login on the website? because i can seem to do it
  • Thomas Hennig (Guest) September 12, 2013
    Warstock Cache & Carry looks awesome! Check out all of the vehicles they are offering in GTA 5! I'm just lost for words, this game is going to be amazing. 5 DAYS LEFT PEOPLE :D Get excited ;)
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