HEIST: The Jewel Store Job

Last Edited by TreeFitty December 31, 2014 : 4 Comments : 61,972 Views

In need of money to pay Madrazo, Michael takes down a Rockford Hills Jewel Store with Franklin and a crew.

Rewards: Lots and lots of money, Carbine Rifle, Tear Gas, Next-Gen: Special Carbine
Protagonists: Michael (set up, job), Franklin (job only)

Casing the Jewel Store

Before you can begin this mission you'll need a suit or something high class. Michael finds Lester in an old garment factory building along the Los Santos River. The job Lester has in mind is the Union Depository - a highly secure facility. Michael informs Lester he just needs enough to pay back Martin Madrazo after wrecking his girlfriend's house. They decide to hit up a jewelry store. Lester knows of Vangelico in Rockford Hills.

Michael says they'll need a crew and proposes recruiting some of the old guys. Lester informs him that there are no old guys anymore. He lists some people and groups that fizzled out including an Eastern European guy making moves in Liberty City. Lester will round up some qualified people. Hop in the car with Lester and drive to Rockford Hills.

Lester asks if Michael's FIB buddies know he is getting back into the business. Michael tries to resist the inquiry but Lester knows quite a lot about Michael's situation and the funds being transferred to FIB Agent Dave Norton - whose track record includes the shooting of Michael Townley. They'll talk more later. Lester gives Michael special glasses with a camera and radio relay. Lester will wait in the car while Michael scouts the store.

Criminally priced goods

Park in the marker and walk to the jewelers. Controls for the glasses are displayed. When you enter the street Lester will tell you to get pictures of the security features and ventilation systems. Enter the store and look around. Cameras are mounted in each corner along with vents. The alarm panel is to the left next to a door. Take pictures of them.

Next you need to speak with the shop assistant. Walk over to the counter and a cutscene will show Michael ask about their products. After some discussion about pricing Michael heads out. Go back to your car. Lester wants to get some shots of the roof ventilation so you'll need to find access. Drive around the block to find a construction site. Walk and climb up to the roof top. While making your way up, Michael asks about the old crew - especially a certain unnamed member. Lester isn't sure what happened to that person aside from knocking over liquor stores.

When you get to the roof go to the north end and climb up on the tallest building portion to the vantage point to get a shot of the vent. Your target to photograph is the fenced in ventilation equipment you'll pass on the way over. After getting the shot return to Lester in the car. Drive back to the garment factory. The two discuss their intel and Michael also mentions that he wants to bring in a kid - Franklin - to the crew.

Decisions, decisions

Back at the factory Lester sets up a corkboard with images and other information. It's time to decide which approach to use: Smart or Loud and Dumb. Smart will use knock out gas through the ventilation system. Pest control will be their cover. Dumb will utilize weapons and Michael's people skills. For both options a hacker will mess with the alarm system to buy time. The exit plan will use motorcycles running through a new subway tunnel that goes over to the river.

Make your decision and crew member options will be displayed. Pick a driver, shooter, and hacker. Among the hacker options is Rickie Lukens from Lifeinvader.
  • Driver: Eddie Toh (14%), Karim Denz (8%)
  • Gunman: Gustavo Mota (14%), Norm Richards (7%), *** Packie McReary (12%) If saved during random event
  • Hacker: Paige Harris (15%), Christian Feltz (10%), Rickie Lukens (4%)

After picking your options either confirm them or go back to make changes. After confirming Lester says he will locate the necessary equipment and notify the crew members. He'll call Michael when he is ready.


  • As soon as you enter the store, enter the glasses and take a picture to the left where the alarm panel, a camera, and a vent are located. Then walk over to the counter to chat with the assistant.
  • Optimal crew is: Eddie Toh, Gustavo Mota (or Packie if available), and Rickie Lukens. Karim will provide the wrong motorcycles and not know his way through the tunnels. Norm will cause an employee to take a stand against the raid (loud approach) and later he'll crash his motorcycle just before entering the tunnels. Rickie provides the least amount of time but you should be able to grab everything.


  • Mission Time - Complete within 08:00.
  • Picture Perfect - Capture all 3 security features in one picture.

Loud Approach

The choice is made to go in with guns blazing.

Smart Approach

The choice is made to use guns as little as possible.

The getaway

SWITCHed back to Franklin, drive off with the rest of the crew as you are given a 4 star wanted level. Follow the crew through the streets and into the tunnels under construction. Use Franklin's Special Ability if needed to navigate the tight turns and obstacles. After winding through tunnels that never seem to end you'll get over to the LS River. Unfortunately the plan hasn't completely worked and the cops are waiting with the getaway truck.

When you exit into the river you will be SWITCHed to Michael again who is driving the truck. You need to take out the cops before getting to the rendezvous point. Ram the cop cars so they crash or give up. Cross over the river (it's shallow) and get the cops behind the bike team as well. When you reach the marker stop the truck and the bikes will drive into the back. Drive to Lester's lockup and park in the marker. Michael tells the crew to split up. Lester will wire the money later when the sales are made. Michael tells Franklin to stop by his house later to celebrate.

A while later Franklin is found at a strip club talking to Tanisha on the phone. He wants to get together but she figures out where he is and tells him to grow up. So much for that. You are left in control of Franklin.


  • There is no vehicle damage objective so don't worry about banging up any of the vehicles involved.
  • Start with the closest display case and work your way around the store. Tap the button as you walk up to break in as soon as possible.
  • If you lose a crew member, be sure to grab their portion of the score and continue on. You might "lose the crew", though, which is a failure and you'll need to restart from a checkpoint.


  • Quick Grab - Steal the jewelry within 50 seconds.
  • Protégé Protected - Protect Franklin during the LS River chase.
  • Clean Sweep - Steal the jewelry from all 20 glass cabinets.

The Long Stretch
Daddy's Little Girl
< The Jewel Store Job > Mr. Philips

Comments (4)

  • Anthony534 (Guest) February 11, 2016
    So awesome
  • TreeFitty (Guest) March 21, 2015
    The money gets divided up at a later time. Lester usually sends you a message that your bank account has been credited.
  • Luis Lopez (Guest) March 21, 2015
    Anyone know what part of the game you get the heist $? I'm currently in the middle of the 2nd heist with Trevor? Is my game glitched?
  • cgam (Guest) October 07, 2013
    you can meet this guy packie in a random encounter. you gotta be the get away driver for him and his buddy, you add him as a contact and he takes 12% and doesnt mess anything up. optimal crew is packie, rickie and karim. karim may pick the wrong bikes but mission can still be done. when its all said and done franklin can walk away with up to 300,000.
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