New GTAV Murals and Info from Brazilian Magazine
Posted by bOnEs August 11, 2013 : 11 Comments : 14,325 Views
Murals of Grand Theft Auto V started popping up a few days ago in Los Angeles & New York, with the most prominent one being the Figueroa Hotel in downtown LA. Trevor's art is new as well.
We'll keep you updated on the Figeuroa Hotel mural because it is not finished yet.
UPDATE: The hotel mural is now complete.
A Brazilian Magazine, 'Playstation Revista Oficial' was translated on reddit and posted on our forums. But be warned, some of the new info in those links contain story spoilers so for those you that still want to keep that a secret, i suggest turning back.
While you can click on the links above for the full breakdown, there's only a few pieces of new information that haven't been mentioned before.
Michael starts the game in a Hotel, the Hotel Von Crastenburg. (Because he is in the FIB protection program.) For the first time in the series there are Bus routes. In the game there will be a social network where you can see videos, pictures, and etc. Franklin has no family or money
The in-game Social Network is an interesting mention. We'll see how that is tied into the online features, and/or within the single player experience as well. As always hop on over to the GTAV Forums to discuss all things GTA.
We'll keep you updated on the Figeuroa Hotel mural because it is not finished yet.
UPDATE: The hotel mural is now complete.
A Brazilian Magazine, 'Playstation Revista Oficial' was translated on reddit and posted on our forums. But be warned, some of the new info in those links contain story spoilers so for those you that still want to keep that a secret, i suggest turning back.
While you can click on the links above for the full breakdown, there's only a few pieces of new information that haven't been mentioned before.
The in-game Social Network is an interesting mention. We'll see how that is tied into the online features, and/or within the single player experience as well. As always hop on over to the GTAV Forums to discuss all things GTA.
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Comments (11)
- XBOOM (Guest) August 14, 2013Can't wait for gta v- first thing I'm gonna do is go on GTA Online and make my charecter model a hillbilly type then get a moterhome and then drive at full speed in the forest areas fecking poo up! Gta please hurry up! Also @RukaRuka- well, you're a dooshe... :|
- RukaRuka (Guest) August 14, 2013Brazilians... Not trying to be nasty or anything, but why is it always Brazilians that have all the spoilers?!?! GAME HURRY UP- I'm going to my grandmas all day this month and typing gta v on YouTube to see what's come up all the time!!! Also @LordZekrom my dog is a white English bull terrier and my cousin who is 17 is v good at art came over the other day and for some reason he started drawing gta v logo on his side and he got in serious trouble so yeah.... Lol HURRY UP GAME!!!!! Plz like :]
- MythicStation (Guest) August 13, 2013@GTAGreg22: This is just a speculation, but I'm pretty sure this is reason why R* often arrays the protagonists in this order: Michael, Franlkin, and Trevor. (as seen in trailers and character selection circle in-game)
- TreeFitty (Guest) August 12, 2013That wasn't an actual route. You could sit at any bus stop and let tons of people get on for the fee. There was no set order and no schedule.
- AllanW (Guest) August 12, 2013There was an actual working bus route in Vice City. You couldn't get a free ride, but if you jack the bus and drive the route you can actually drop off and pick up passengers.
- Dj (Guest) August 12, 2013That's not bad I can deal with it.....but that damn multiplayer vid need to hurry up
- GTAGreg22 (Guest) August 12, 2013About where it says "Michael starts the game in a hotel...", does that mean when we plug the game in, and install it, then play it, it'll start out as Michael? We'll be playing with him first in other words? Who will be next and last, any idea?
- LordZekrom (Guest) August 12, 2013I wish I had a GTA V mural painted on my house... And on my car... And on my body... And on my cat...
- Unknown (Guest) August 11, 2013I'm not really that way with spoilers. I could read what the story line is in full and I'll still buy, play, and enjoy. But everyone isn't like me.
I do need to stop looking at the countdown though. It's making it seem and take longer lol - TreeFitty (Guest) August 11, 2013Well it's getting to the point where some people are shying away from new information as far as the story or the protag's lives. A small courtesy to them in an article that also features some cool advertisements.
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