Official GTA V Website Update: Visit Los Santos and Blaine County
Posted by OptimumPx August 13, 2013 : 16 Comments : 20,210 Views
With only around a month left until release day Rockstar has finally updated the Official GTA V Website with new information, new screens and new official artwork!
The site is set up as an 'interactive travelogue' to help visitors to this West Coast paradise!
Keep checking back for future Official Website updates, and for Thursdays big Multiplayer preview! But in the meantime come join the discussion in Our Forums!

The site is set up as an 'interactive travelogue' to help visitors to this West Coast paradise!
- Fast Cars at Your Fingertips: If you are ready to hit the highway in a sleek sports car or go off-roading in Blaine County in an SUV, avoid pushy salesmen and select from a stunning array of vehicular options online.
- Thriving Economy & Commerce: Every day the stock exchange is minting millionaires who know how to play the market. Take your gains and invest in the volatile Los Santos commercial real estate market. To go big in this town, you just might need to buy a building.
- Affordable Healthcare: Thanks to recent legislation, if you receive something as harmless as a scratch or as serious as a bullet wound, any of our state certified medical centers will patch you up and make sure the healthy bill is picked up by taxpayers.
- Vehicular Customization Shops: Residents of Los Santos take great pride in their cars. They spend the majority of the day in them. When you're ready to trick out your ride, visit LS Customs, because nothing says class like neon.
- Shopping & Glamour: Tourists come from far and wide for the experience of Los Santos shopping. From the well-tailored jet-setter couture in the high-street shops of Rockford Hills to the disheveled and disaffected drug addict hipster vibe in Hawick, there's a wide array of fashionable retail options for you.
- Accessible Air Travel: A wide range of aircraft are available for your travel and aerial transport needs. Log onto and purchase luxury aircraft from the Luxor and Shamal jetliners to high-end helicopters and more.
- Leadership You Can Trust: You're arriving at quite an exciting time as our area is in the midst of the current gubernatorial race with Sue Murry running against conservative challenger and famous star of screen and TV, Jock Cranley.
- Beaches & Watersports: Our coastal areas and beautiful lakes and rivers are a dream come true for those who crave aquatic adventure.
- The Great Outdoors: Hunters and adventurers can find great sporting challenges across our vast Blaine County countryside. Bring a rifle to hunt for dangerous game, hike to the peak of the majestic Mount Chiliad, or hire a plane and parachute from on high.
- Friendly Neighbors: The streets are alive with all kinds of characters who coordinate clothing colors and enjoy leisurely pursuits such as territory clashes and pharmaceutical commerce. Stop and chat with a member of The Epsilon Program for some enlightenment, or head to Blaine County, where they always extend a helping hand to outsiders.
Keep checking back for future Official Website updates, and for Thursdays big Multiplayer preview! But in the meantime come join the discussion in Our Forums!
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Comments (16)
- XBOOM (Guest) August 16, 2013Cant wait for this game! Im gonna do a stalker van all in black with a registration plate that says V4GHUNTR lol
- Pillowz (Guest) August 15, 2013It wont be Game of the Year.... It will be Game of 10 Years...NEXT MONTH WOOOOOOO
- XBOOM (Guest) August 14, 2013Lol just watched the Jock Cranley video hahaha something wrong with him. "So I'm just giving you the finger, people!"
Hahaha lol - LordSugarDaddy (Guest) August 14, 2013At the bottom of the page there's a "share on Lifeinvader" button that'll take you to an interesting video, encase anybody missed it
- Gamesfreak (Guest) August 14, 2013when is the gta v map coming out ??i wanna know how big it is><
- charlie choo choo (Guest) August 14, 2013I think...actully I know....yep im absolutely positive that rockstar KICKS FUCKING ASS!!!
- Guest (Guest) August 13, 2013Nice
- CUSOMIZATION !!! (Guest) August 13, 2013I cant wait to get a chromed out SUV with 30" Matt black Alloy Rims !!
- sinceGTAIII (Guest) August 13, 2013wow reading through that list, it almost sounds like you will be able to purchase an aircraft. i guess we will see in a little bit more then a month. i am pretty excited though for this game.
- R3TRO-G4MER (Guest) August 13, 2013Damn i cant wait for this game only 34 days to go....
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