Rockstar Launch New Social Club Website

Posted by Psy May 07, 2012 : 9 Comments : 35,497 Views

New Rockstar Games Social Club

Rockstar Games have re-launched their Social Club website prior to the release of Max Payne 3. The website is a lot simpler to navigate and a lot nicer looking, making it easy to browse your games, friends and stats. A feature which hasn't yet gone live is the multiplayer Crews section. This will also be used for Grand Theft Auto V so if you don't have an account, or you haven't been on for awhile, check it out and get your profile up to date.

Crews open for pre-registration on May 9th, so get ready to sign up. We'll most likely be creating our own crew, so if you're feeling lonely and want some friends to game with, why not join us once it goes live!

In the mean time, why not add some of our website staff so that we can compare stats on all of Rockstar's Social Club compatible games...

Psy TreeFitty DuffMan OptimumPx

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