Rockstar Wants Your Ideas for GTA V Crews
Posted by TreeFitty October 18, 2012 : 25 Comments : 20,010 Views
Rockstar wants to know what improvements or other features you, the fans, would like to see with Rockstar's Crew System currently in use for Max Payne 3.
Straight from Rockstar:
Send them your ideas and join us in the GTA 5 forums!

Straight from Rockstar:
As we're busy working on Grand Theft Auto V, we'd like to take this opportunity to ask all of you for your feedback, input and ideas for features you'd like to see created for Crews in the game.
Whether it's suggestions for competitive in-game Crew features in Multiplayer, new ways to manage and recruit, ideas for enhancing Social Club Crew pages and leaderboards, things you did and didn't like about Crews in Max Payne 3, or any thoughts at all related to Crews really that you'd like to share - we're all ears. We'd especially love to hear from current Crew members and leaders so that we can continue making our unique approach to persistent team based Multiplayer as fun as it can be in GTAV.
The place to have your voice heard is via email to [email protected]. Please note that while you are welcome to share your thoughts with one another in our comments section here, the only place where you can be sure our development team will be looking at input is via the above email address. Thank you all for your support and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Send them your ideas and join us in the GTA 5 forums!
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Comments (25)
- sattlerz88 (Guest) October 30, 2012i dont care what crews you put all i want is some missions where you rob places!!!!!!
- Sh4h33r21 (Guest) October 29, 2012they should make police crews where you can do swat missions
- cody4041 (Guest) October 28, 2012GROVE STREET crew :)
- blackvoices (Guest) October 27, 2012Aw man, clans, thats going to make the game sick
- TreeFitty (Guest) October 24, 2012FYI we're a fansite if it wasn't obvious already.
As for the comments, it says in the article right above here: "The place to have your voice heard is via email to [email protected]." Nothing wrong with sharing Crew ideas here but obviously this isn't the place to tell Rockstar Games directly. - Brad (Guest) October 24, 2012Really Treefitty? you worked for rockstar? Love to hear something about that.
Also "BMW" you idiot, Treefitty isn't making any false statements, he's never said he works for Rockstar and he didnt create this website you fool. - smartman (Guest) October 24, 2012thank you TreeFitty :)
- Bmw2012 (Guest) October 24, 2012I really dont understand why are people posting their wishes and ideas about Gta 5 on this page. TreeFitty probably doesent even work for rockstar and he's not one the people thats working on the game. Maybe he just created this website just to create hype. No need to put your wishes and ideas
- TreeFitty (Guest) October 24, 2012Basically: "Crews" are the same as "clans" which are groups of friends in multiplayer games.
- smartman (Guest) October 24, 2012what is crews i'm sorry i am from the netherlanders I am 13 years ols and I'm very like gta >> and sorry my english is not so good
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