Hello, I'm Qdeathstar and I'd like to introduce myself by saying that "My Penis, Your Ass, Let's Go" is not just a mindless slogan carelessly thrown about, but is in fact a way of life. Now that that's out of the way, let me discuss a few of the things that I hate. For one, i hate the fact that there is a swiggly line under my name like I'm to stupid to spell it. I know how to spell my name, its not wrong. The internet is. Secondly, i hate ass guzzlers. See Asylum. Finally, Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace are for QDs and attention whores. Post naked pictures of yourself there though, and i might take a look.
I've been a member since 2004, a moderator, an admin, and even a banned member. I'm also responsible for the start up site Iporn.com. Me and a few other members are working to start a porn studio for the Igta family of sites, so if you want to become an backdoor actor or mattress actress contact us and we'll see if we cant find someone to fill your position.
One last detail, unlike other members here who want nothing to do with you, if your lonely and need a friend I know someone who could be your own personal Jesus!. Seriously. Also, i know all the internet lingo that means you can trust me.
I also enjoy walls of text.