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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/11 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Thought I would create a poll to see what everyone's favourite GTA is from this site? Mine personally is Vice City, just due to the character you play, and the atmosphere that surrounds the game.
  2. 1 point
    I reckon (hope) both platforms will get the same treatment this time, including any DLC being released together that might come in the future. I think that would be the correct and fair move for R* to do with a game as big as GTA5.
  3. 1 point
    I wouldn't worry about it, everyone knows that R*Spy's info is all unreliable bullshit.
  4. 1 point
    If they are meant to be soldiers, then green would be best. It's easier to interact with an audience using colours they associate already in life. People associate green with armies due to Camo.
  5. 1 point
    Added VCS and LCS Edge. Just forgot about them.
  6. 1 point
    Ferris wheel sniping, so I agree. Do a bit of Beverly Hills Cop and cause havok.
  7. 1 point
    I know it may sound weird, but a full blown (working) theme park within the game would be epic. Not just 1 rollercoaster but a few, and a few other rides.
  8. 1 point
    I rented The Orange Box but Portal was the only game that interested me. I bought Portal: Still Alive off XBLA and I've pre-ordered Portal 2, which is coming out next month. Five games for £13 isn't a bad deal though, even if they're fairly old.
  9. -1 points
    Hello, I'm Qdeathstar and I'd like to introduce myself by saying that "My Penis, Your Ass, Let's Go" is not just a mindless slogan carelessly thrown about, but is in fact a way of life. Now that that's out of the way, let me discuss a few of the things that I hate. For one, i hate the fact that there is a swiggly line under my name like I'm to stupid to spell it. I know how to spell my name, its not wrong. The internet is. Secondly, i hate ass guzzlers. See Asylum. Finally, Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace are for QDs and attention whores. Post naked pictures of yourself there though, and i might take a look. I've been a member since 2004, a moderator, an admin, and even a banned member. I'm also responsible for the start up site Iporn.com. Me and a few other members are working to start a porn studio for the Igta family of sites, so if you want to become an backdoor actor or mattress actress contact us and we'll see if we cant find someone to fill your position. One last detail, unlike other members here who want nothing to do with you, if your lonely and need a friend I know someone who could be your own personal Jesus!. Seriously. Also, i know all the internet lingo that means you can trust me. I also enjoy walls of text.
  10. -1 points
    Starts soon! Might jump in and get me some XP tonight!
  11. -1 points
    Rockstar have been having the events based on when most people want them lately. There'll probably be a late night one for your area sometime.
  12. -1 points
    Remote control 'sticky bombs' would be nice, the ability to strategically place more than two at a time and have them go off only once you've hit the switch. I can lie in wait for hours just to hear a voice on the mic shout "What the fuuuucckk?"
  13. -1 points
  14. -2 points