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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/11 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    http://www.psxextreme.com/ps3-news/8946.html earliest projected fix time is Tuesday evening ... although it could still be down until next week.
  2. 0 points
    Hmm, never really been one for bothering with Trophies, it's just that L.A. Noire looks likely to get me interested for the first time.
  3. -1 points
    What was that hotel you killed those Jewish guys in in GTA IV? The Majestic? Whenever I look at this, I can't help but think of the alleyway behind that place, where the window-washer lift was at.
  4. -1 points
    Is LA as full of insufferable douchebags as I think it is?
  5. -1 points
    Same as before then?
  6. -1 points
  7. -1 points
    Nope, certainly could have done with it this weekend seeing as PSN is down though.
  8. -1 points
    One of those guys is wearing flip-flops. QD.
  9. -1 points
    What was the reason Xbox LIVE was down for 2 weeks?
  10. -1 points
    I thought Manhunt 3 (Chickenhunt) was coming out on Wii 2.
  11. -1 points
    I love Lego and if I see a huge set in the shops I'm gonna buy it. I like the tiny pices of Lego you used to be able to get though, not sure you can get it anymore with it being aimed at kids. And Dup' - I can just see your wife's face looking down at you while she shakes her head. Oh, does anyone know if Trophies automatiacally update when you get back online? I don't just mean while PSN is down, but in general.
  12. -1 points
    So if I say, do a certain action offline that would earn me a trophy it will automatically notice I'm 'owed' that trophy when I go online?