1) i think it'd be really cool to have the loads of side missions that Read Dead has, like the stranger missions and the people on the side of the road. but in gta5 there would be people stealing cars and whatnot. or random gangs doing a drug deal and you could come in and shoot them up and steal all of their stuff but then they call back up. that'd be fun
2) also instead of buying clothes, it should be outfits like Read Dead, cause buying clothes in gta4 takes for fucking ever.
3) no friend or girlfriends. cause there is not much action in those missions.
4) i would really love it to be in Vice City, just so they could stick to the formula of gtaIII then came gtaVC.
but if it was set in San Andreas that would also be great.
they should make it a Mexican immigrant instead of CJ.
there would be Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas
but in addtion there would be border crossing and you could go to Baja California (or Baja San Andreas lol)
and the city would be Tijeras for Tijuana or something
we would start the story in Mexico and you want to cross the border to have a better life So you start doing jobs fot the Mexican cartels to get money and then you would finally cross to the US and you'd become a cholo in los santos. it would go on to the story of unlocking the rest of the islands until you become a boss in Las Venturas
then you could get deported so you start with the cartels again
that would make for really cool drug trafficking missions.
Los Santos should be the Midnight Club Los Ageles map but with different street names and stuff
they should make references to places and people from Red Dead. some characters and places from GTA5 should be related to Red Dead characters and places. thatd be kinda cool
also someone said about making Vice City with a far off island that would be Cuba.
that would be really cool too.
5) vice city stories gang wars to buy propery. i want to buy loads of properties
6) Manhunt-style stealth kills, with the plastic bags and shards of glass etc.
7) 4x4 vehicles, 4x4 races, sand rails, Drag Races.
skateboards? bikes, and you could do tricks on them. someone said scuba gear and searching for treasure under water, thats badass. submarines
8) health like Red Dead. but then it kinda wouldn't be GTA style, so thats a maybe for me