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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/11 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Well, it's official now! The first trailer for Grand Theft Auto V will be released on the 2nd! Sweet!
  2. 1 point
    Hmm, rape, sodomy, beheadings. *tries to appease the war god Massacre*
  3. 1 point
    Lol, I thought so, but it was so stupid I just had to be sure. I agree with most of that, except for two things: The map for GTA IV wasn't very big, and the airport was the only place on the map where you would've had enough room to take off or land in a plane. Now, if GTA V is set in a re-done San Andreas, or any other large area with multiple open spaces, then yeah, I'd like to have planes back, too. As for weapons licenses, you mean the weapon skill levels? It was nice to get bonuses from that (especially dual-wielding), but I also liked that GTA IV relied solely on my own skill and not how much practice I'd had with each gun, so I could take or leave the weapon skills. The schools were fun, but they were mostly tutorials for different tricks that most people figured out on their own. I wouldn't mind having them back, but I'd rather have something new.
  4. 1 point
    Jacking parts off cars sounds good. Maybe you could mouse over the wheels and press X to swap them over to your own car when you have no money to get it done at the Pay 'N' Spray. It would have to be a real risky thing to do though as in if the owner sees you they start shooting or call the cops. I'd love having to cruise areas off the beaten path to find a 'safe' place to rob them. Before you can steal someone elses alloy wheels though, you'd have to have a wheel wrench in your arsenal. Wheel wrenches can be found in garages or hardware stores. I've always wanted GTA V to be centered more around 'Grand Theft Auto'. Bait cars too - totally random ones which give no clue that you're about to get your ass whooped by the local vice squad.
  5. 1 point
    Nah, no psd. It was all destructive editing, I couldn't be fucked doing it properly. I'll do a vector in illustrator in the next couple of days, and probably take the five off the five dollar bills from the same time. Will pm it when its done psy.
  6. 1 point
    Kent Fucking Paul Also, hello everyone.
  7. 1 point
    pics or it didn't happen
  8. 1 point
    Popular belief is that Rockstar 'only published it' but they actually had a more hands on roll from various devs from the likes of R* North than people realise. But anyway, I'm expecting/hoping GTA V to look as nice as L.A. Noire does. Asking if you were stupid was slightly harsh. I do apologise Dooby.
  9. 1 point
    Comedy, live shows, TV, etc... all pointless imo. I would be happier if I heard there was nothing like that, then I would know they spent more time on something else. The problem with the live shows/comedy club is there isn't an atmosphere, it isn't immersive, and it gets boring real fast. What doesn't get boring is blowing up everything in Star Junction at rush hour, because with the people screaming, traffic driving all over the place, lights from the buildings, police, etc, there's an atmosphere to keep you engaged. The canned laughter and recycled jokes are too distant for a video game, especially when most of the time, you'll be watching it on your own.
  10. 1 point