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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/11 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    The reason I don't do drugs in real life is because I played GTA and saw that they're bad for you.
  2. 1 point
    I think I speak for everyone here - Niko had an extremely low choice in customization. All there was was three stores of dull clothing. I would like to see the customization of San Andreas back, but more detailed. Clothing: Many different varieties of clothing, such as 80s, 90s, gangster, classy, poor, rich, average, gym, swim etc... Obviously not a store for each, but definitely more than in IV, maybe with customizable colors? Weight: I would like to see this return, and be able to be fat and slow and unable to jump if you eat too much, maybe with some extra clothing options once you reach a certain level of obesity. Muscle: Ability to work out hard and achieve results, but not as easily as in San Andreas where you literally had to press some buttons repeatedly to get fully ripped. And muscle to power ratio. Tattoos: More customizable than in San Andreas, like choosing "arm" for example and moving it exactly to where you want it on the arm, with multiple tattoos allowed on each body part, along with different colored inks available. Hair: Different hairstyles, and color options for each individual hairstyle. I would also love to see customizable beards. Maybe some form of hair growth, at least in facial hair, but not too much as to turn the game into the Sims. That's just a short list of customization that I'm looking for, IDK about you guys. This is not about vehicle customization, so don't bring that up and say I missed it. What else is there? Can you add upon anything?
  3. 1 point
    I will break the argument into two different categories: logical suppositions and regional clues in the trailer. Because the trailer focuses on Los Santos, the regional clues are sparse, so I'll start with those. -It shows windmills that greatly resemble Altamont Pass, a notable place on the way from LA to northern California. -The trailer highlights I-5, a famous highway that links Los Angeles to San Francisco. -And, probably the most damning piece of evidence, Mount Chiliad is shown in the trailer, a location in San Fierro. And now with the logical suppositions. These are tenuous conclusions that I've drawn which speak more about Rockstar's intentions regarding GTA V rather than any concrete allusions. -They did it for San Andreas. They must know fans would be expecting it if they returned to Los Santos. I feel like even if the other cities don't appear in the game, they must've been up for discussion and debated. -In the first San Andreas trailer, they only showed Los Santos, like this one. -There are rumors that (more legit than the UK PS3 magazine rumors, in that they were posted on a rumor site and not as a random post on a forum) say the map is 2.5 times bigger than Red Dead Redemption's map, which is unbelievably freaking huge, certainly bigger than the original San Andreas map. -There are jets, so obviously they're going to take you to far away places and other airports, which means other cities. Why not San Fierro and Las Venturas? Also, the jet coming from behind the Vinewood sign at the end of the trailer, wasn't the path from Las Venturas in San Andreas? -Some license plates say "San Andreas" in the game (not really indicative; the state is San Andreas, so naturally the license plates would read that, but I don't think they would make it cryptically noticeable in the trailer if they didn't want to slyly allude to the first game). -If they weren't going to include them, I think they would outright say it, instead of relaying ambiguities (see below) -They've called it "the largest and most ambitious game Rockstar has yet created" which without San Fierro and Las Venturas, would feel like an overstatement. Now I'm aware that Rockstar has said that the game "heads to the city of Los Santos and surrounding hills, countryside and beaches." In this statement, all they say is that GTA V heads to Los Santos; they do not say that it only heads to Los Santos. However, the next statement reads, "Grand Theft Auto V focuses on the pursuit of the almighty dollar in a re-imagined, present day Southern California." By saying that it focuses on Southern California, Rockstar seems to squash the implication that San Fierro or Las Venturas might return. But I still hold that this is too ambiguous. As I stated earlier, I truly believe that if San Fierro and Las Venturas don't appear in GTA V, Rockstar would've already explicitly said this. There is still speculation as to whether the other cities will appear, and I feel that Rockstar would quell the disappointment immediately, instead of allowing it to grow when they finally announce that the cities in fact will not be returning. What do you guys think?
  4. 1 point
    I hate when someone posts crap like this and never comes back again. What's the point?
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I like this topic as I started it about 20 things got merged into this or away from it, It has been renamed many times and now we have come together as a gaming community to discuss and game! I <3 these forums (apart from QD)
  7. 1 point
    The way I see it is, if your safehouse has a two-car garage and a driveway, you should be able to store four cars there, even though that means moving a car out of the driveway to get another out of the garage. No reason to park just anywhere on the property, but anywhere in the driveway/garage, yeah. I don't really save too many cars after IV, but if they bring customization back, we're going to need a San Andreas-level number of garages.
  8. 1 point
    Continue coming here every day, and grow your beard back, then we'll be cool.
  9. 1 point
    All this about trying to find out what they mean by writing that reminds me of my english lessons.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    exactly, that's what I mean. There used to be rewards for every 10th hidden package, for example, all along the way towards getting 100% ultimately. But not in GTA4. There wasn't even a reward for getting 100%, was my point. In San Andreas, you'd get a Hydra that spawned on top of your house in Grove Street! That was awesome...
  12. 1 point
    We're excited too, but yes we try to keep order around these parts. We don't want to look like those huge GTA forums with 1000 n00bs screaming things all over the place. Also, they couldn't make character customization epic enough to create me.
  13. 1 point
    It's a hallucinogen and basically a mild neurotoxin. It will drive you insane over a long enough period of time.
  14. 1 point
    Nothing has to come to mind except common sense. I don't even think it's worthy of a discussion.
  15. 1 point
    To me it simply means they're making what they think is the best GTA so far.
  16. 1 point
    I think GTA5 will be the game everyone was expecting GTA4 to be. Why? Because GTA4 was the first, or perhaps second, game to use the RAGE engine. They had to build everything from the GROUND UP for it. Since then, though, GTA4, as well as it's two Episodic sequels (TLADT and TBOGT), as well as Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire, Max Payne 3, Midnight Club: Los Angeles (*cough* *cough*) and probably others as well were ALL built using the RAGE engine. The conclusion you can make from this: with GTA4, they had to build the entire game from scratch, including a brand new engine. It probably had less features/less depth because it was the first BIG game running on the new engine. Which means, all of the time they had to spend troubleshooting, honing and perfecting the RAGE engine, was time they couldn't spend on doing OTHER things developmentally. However, fast forward three years to 2011 (when GTA5 is announced). Since GTA4's release, at least seven games (mentioned above) have been built using the engine. They've got models saved on some hard-drives of Wild West style stuff (from Red Dead Redemption) and TWO games to pull Los Angeles style models from for GTA5 (LA Noire and Midnight Club: LA, anybody?) all built using the RAGE ENGINE! This is all stuff they ALREADY HAVE DESIGNED AND SAVED. They won't just take it exactly and copy/paste it, sure, probably not, but I don't necessarily think the fact they are doing all of these Los Angeles based games around the same time is ANY surprise at all. In fact, it's a good thing. They will end up having to spend less time building the city and can spend more time on fleshing the game out, and actually making it fun. By this time, they've mastered the engine that they created for GTA4. They've done the hard work. GTA5 will be the game we all wanted GTA4 to be. Not only do I just know it in my heart, but from a logical perspective, now that the hard work in game development is done -- they have the ability to spread their wings and fly with this title, reminiscent of what VC and SA were like compared to GTA3. Mark my words, this game will be what we've all been waiting seven years for, basically.
  17. 1 point
    Do you mean the defecation in their flower pots, or are you shitting terracotta right now?
  18. 1 point
    A black guy.... In GTA.... HE MUST BE CJ, who else could it be? Oh I don't know, maybe one of the other 40 million black people in the USA?
  19. 1 point
    Originally I was thinking we'd only see Los Santos, but I did some digging around and here's what I found: San Andreas 13 Sq. Miles GTA 4 6 Sq. Miles RDR 26 Sq. Miles L.A. Noire 8 Sq. Miles If it quite literally is the biggest game they've made, it must be more than 26 Sq. miles. If Liberty City was just 6, we can easily expect to see more than one city in GTA V. I'd imagine that we would see a very big Los Santos around 5/6 sq. miles (slightly smaller than L.A. Noire and LC, LA Noire was so large that much of it was unvisited and LC included another state, technically anyway, Algonquin), and a slightly smaller SF/LV at perhaps 3/4 Sq. miles each (as they were smaller in SA, and are much smaller in real life, besides, with LV especially, we wouldn't want much more than downtown and the strip, etc) that means about 11 to 14 Sq. miles of city. If, going by RDR standards, that leaves 11 to 15 Sq. miles of country/desert. Though, I'd imagine we'd see more, as they said, it is bigger than their previous titles. So perhaps 16 to 20 Sq. Miles of country/desert. Therefore, 3:1 ratio, very similar to San Andreas's ratio. In comparison, Just Cause 2 was 400 Sq. Miles and was only one disc on the 360. I do understand though that GTA is a far more detail heavy game, much more sound files, animations, etc.. However, 400 Sq. miles was achieved on one disc, most of which is country (as this is relatively less data intensive). So it wouldn't be too unrealistic to see 30/35 Sq. miles of much more detailed data on one disc (with two thirds being less data heavy countryside/desert). Perhaps one option for Rockstar would be the optional installation of the radio stations, as they take up considerable data (2 to 3 GB) and, to be honest, they're not essential to the gameplay. Also, just a bit of personal speculation, but the guy who we assume is the protagonist at the moment, the old white guy. He seems to fit the 'Venturas' bill doesn't he? The dollar sign on the GTA V logo, "the pursuit of the almighty dollar", they all point towards Venturas playing some sort of role. Plus, where does everyone go to lose money? Just my thoughts.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Why not? In team based games in RDR you can have Rebeldes vs. American Army and such, then you are automatically given one of those character's models. What's to stop people from having a racist gang war? If they want to play honkys vs. spics vs. crackers that's up to them, R* can't really stop them.
  22. 1 point
    So you want to be able to DO crack in the game? itll never happen. GTA already gets enough shit from the press. Seems a bit overkill. Plus the protagonist usually has to be pretty able bodied to run from cops and shit. a twiggy drug riddled crackhead would be kinda shit to play as
  23. 1 point
    People have a hard time accepting the fact that just because San Andreas was a certain way, Rockstar does NOT need to make GTA V the same way. It's like saying there HAD to be a dam in GTA IV just because III had one.
  24. 1 point
    It's nice to see a conversation of this that isn't "ZOMG Rock* cants have teh santolos and not the other citiez" I also think they are being cheeky by not saying directly "this game will not feature San Fierro or Las Venturas". Honestly I would love if rockstar just wanted to recreate that first feeling from the original San Andreas where everyone though Ah sweet its los angeles! Then the second trailer reveals the other two cities. However I don't think that it will be the case. It can still be a huge game without these two cities. If anything we will hopefully get a San Diego and another semi large cities aswell as small towns.
  25. 1 point
    At the end there....that was me and Ast.
  26. 1 point
    I think they should bring back the exact same customizations from San Andreas but with more modern up to date clothing and they should have different stores such as: CLOTHING Sportswear store - 1 store Maybe commercial River Island/Topman/Next style stores - Possibly 3 stores A designer clothes store where you are able to completely customize clothing as they will be high priced - 2 stores TATOO I think you should be able to chose exactly where you want tatoos on your body by using the analog stick to place them where you want them, like in guitar hero. I think there should be 3 tatoo stores: *A low quality backstreet tatoo shop for more bad quality rough/gangster looking tatoo's *An average good quality tatoo shop with reasonable prices and more variety *A very high quality tatoo shop where you can completely customize your tatoos from scratch including colour. Also has an extremely wide variety. Expensive prices. HAIR I think there should be 3 hairdressers: *A low quality hairdressers with average quality cuts and variety *A more commercial better quality hairdressers with good quality cuts and variety for middle class prices *A high class designer hairdressers where you have to ring up for an appointment with high class customizable cuts with good variety. Expensive prices. BRING ON GTA 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  27. 1 point
    Unless you played as the chav, and you mug people with a knife, deodorant and a lighter.
  28. 1 point
    Give me off road parking and I will be happy, There is nothing worse than coming home in a taxi and having the driver rear end your new shiny Blista Compact, because your parking space is in the middle of the street.
  29. 1 point
    I think the guy selling his house in the trailer is just an indication that this game will be set in a world undergoing a financial crisis, in fact not dissimilar to our own world. Note that after this clip is when we see hobos and prostitutes. It's setting the scene, not hinting at gameplay elements. Which isn't to say there won't be property ownership aspects anyway. I think they are a popular enough feature for R* to include them again.