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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/11 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I didn't dislike GTA IV at all. Sure it was missing a few bells and whistles, but it was still a satisfying game imo.
  2. 1 point
    I had feeling Packie would appear.
  3. 1 point
    I always pre order, you get it a day early and you haven't got to go out and look at all the strangers ugly faces in the street. Also fuck midnight releases, I would never queue up at midnight like a pleb to get any game, how degrading.
  4. 1 point
    DJ Nuggets...Lawl. Lol, you really did it. Yeeup
  5. 1 point
    I don't bother pre-ordering games unless there's a significant benefit of doing so. (either I get something free or the game is going to categorically sell out) The last game I pre-ordered was my special edition of GTA IV.
  6. 1 point
    I almost never pre-order. I did for FIFA from amazon and it didn't come till like 4 PM the afternoon it launched. Shoulda got it at the midnight launch. I did that for GTA 4... Oh how young I look... Will probably get GTA 5 at the midnight launch if I don't already have it by then
  7. 1 point
    Obama is just a puppet like every president since Kennedy. They want another fall guy in office after him so Ron Paul doesn't have much of a chance really, you can see that by the way the corporate jew run media is denying him airtime during the debates and continuosly trying to spread the message that he can't win. Ron Paul seems to be genuinly for the people and against the mythical war on terror. The establishment would find it too difficult to get him to read their lies from a teleprompter, he unlike Obama, has a mind of his own.
  8. 1 point
    Not really one for preordering games. More of a cash in hand, go buy game type of guy.
  9. 1 point
    Just don't mention anything about CJ or Tommy in GTA V and we'll get along fine.
  10. 1 point
    Heres all you need to know about Ron Paul: Only honest politician running. Vote for him or get ready for four more years of bullshit. Its not just America that gets screwed either for all of our European members who think that what happens in America doesn't effect you.
  11. 1 point
    Or metal. Metal is way more popular is places that don't have shit music like north america does. PS Fuck Bieber PPS Right in the ass
  12. 1 point
    Guys, my friend Mike Hawk who works at Rockstar just leaked this photo of the protag about to jack a car, check it out. Looks pretty legit to me, and it's hinting car customization as the bobcat says "GTA" on it. Can't wait to actually play the game!
  13. 1 point
    Yeah, sadly they're still here. Welcome. Yeah why's Psy still here? He hasn't done anything constructive for the last five years.
  14. 1 point
    I'm Numpty and was Numpty on the ol GTA Sanandreas site all those years ago. Funny to see the names like Psy, Duffman and QDeathstar again. Current status following GTAV Announcement Trailer: Excited.
  15. 1 point
    Hello, my names Donnie im from the north of the UK; I was an active member in the forums during my college days back in 2004-2005. Many people may remember me for my Marxist views (which I still hold, put don't bother carrying the soapbox around with me anymore!). I was active on this forum during my A-level days, since then I've gained a 2.1 degree in Politics and Philosophy from a nothern university. Im currently about to finish my Masters degree in Social Policy. My interests are video games, specifically Grand Theft Auto and Elder Scrolls series. I'm also interested in science fiction and hanging out with friends. Used to love being active on these forums, i hope to ignite that passion once again.