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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/11 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    Better than douchebags and attention whores.
  3. 1 point
    Skateboards and rollerblades. And electric wheelchairs (like Massacre's one).
  4. 1 point
    I don't have fb or twitter. My social network is this place
  5. 1 point
    Ooh and then we can go to Quincy to learn to dance for Flannigan's Ball!
  6. 1 point
    having all the close "friends" around me die, whats the point in making friends if there just gonna get shot on the last damn mission, plus being a protagonist that is all Blah and has no life, but i dont want him to be like Luis, luis was a dildo, make somebody like Johnny insted, a badass but also funny, not some "i think im better then u cuz im a spic" character. and ppl giving houses too me, like WTF i have my own money that I WANT TOO SPEND, so deffently let me buy my own house, and i want just alot of differnt clothes to pick from, not 3 or 4 differnt things in some rinky-dink Russian shop, that will ruin it for me... ahh fuck it idc i love GTA either way
  7. 1 point
    I just want the next game to be in Boston. Boston-born protag doesn't interest me if it's not actually in Boston. I want to ship up to Boston (to find my wooden leg).
  8. 1 point
    Luis was a little bit gay for Tony. I was little bit gay for Tony. Amazing man. I want the new character to be from Boston (Massychusets, not the shit one near me). Love that accent. And he can be into good music.
  9. 1 point
    I think he is on shrooms, FREAKIN out.
  10. 1 point
    i wanna blow shit up, not big stuff like a building, but i want to go in a park, stick c4 on a gazebo, or a cement archway or something and blow it to pieces ...
  11. 1 point
    We sang hyms in regular Primary school. Don't know why. But remember once mid song, one kid with autism stood up, then proceeded to bounce around the whole hall screaming, "I'm a frog!". Everyone cracked up. Autism is always funny. And another kid with autism ran through the hall whilst practicing for a Christmas play, with his shirt over his head being chased by an elderly teacher. Was really like something from Benny Hill. Remember more things from primary school than secondary and college. Weird.
  12. 1 point
    I think if some of the San Andreas features aren't in I'll be disappointed. Stuff like hooking up a trailer to a truck and driving round trying not to jacknife it etc. Won't ruin the game for me though.
  13. 1 point
    Heres all you need to know about Ron Paul: Only honest politician running. Vote for him or get ready for four more years of bullshit. Its not just America that gets screwed either for all of our European members who think that what happens in America doesn't effect you.
  14. 1 point
    Yeah pretty much been too busy playing it to write anything. I'm gonna go get some sleep in a sec. I have a small story to tell. not much, but funny. I was strolling between some mountains on my way to a mission, and i saw my first giant standing there with his axe on his shoulder. I thought that maybe i can try and take him on with my weapons. Anyway, i sneak up with my bow and arrows, and take a sneaky headshot from the distance. i quickly change to my magic enhanced battle axe and charge in. As i run up the peak, past a large rock i see two more giants running at me with him! The bitch-honky only had is clan on stand-by, ready to gangbang my poor elven arse. They bludgeoned me into a fine paste.
  15. 1 point
    I don't know what Marney gets up to, but I wasn't saying I keep a phone just for weed, I just know people that keep pre-paid phones around for things they don't want to have traced back to them.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Marney@ The whole steal parts off other peoples cars suites the car modification of mine well...