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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/11 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    "Anyway between now and then, Take Two has some other aces up its sleeve, like LA Noire, X-Com and Duke Nukem Forever." I can't wait! Woohoo!!!
  2. 1 point
    Hello, people of Psy's boards! I just stumbled home from work and realised all the bars were closed and I had missed my friend's 25th birthday party, and so I went on Facebook to apologise - and for some reason his profile picture was of a can of mello yello. So, unable to sleep because my veins are pumping with 200ccs of hospital coffee (and believe me, the NHS budget does not stretch beyond instant) I googled my screen name and this site came up. I trawled a little and there was so much stuff: emails between me and Jack Thompson, Teamo Extr-EMO, the spamm teem, Bridge the Gap, our interminable war with GTAGaming.com. I remembered the days when FML stood for favourite member league, and when I looked forward to Kicking It With My Homies more than anything on TV. So let me ask you fucks: do you have any artefacts from back in the day? Specifically, I was hoping to find: That Picture of Zidane from GTAGaming My old sig (not this mutilated version) And the Christmas version! Any vintage editions of Kicking It With My Homies Anything from the Spamm Teem or the Sylums era Or basically anything that could be regarded as a treasure of the GTA-SanAndreas.com era.
  3. 1 point
    They should bring back swords and all those dope melee weapons from vice city.
  4. 1 point
    DOUCHE!! ..... I was obviously joking! Being a girl would be badass, going getting a prostitute and seeing some girl on girl action! I think everyone would want to see that. Thats what i thought bitch u better explain urself!
  5. 1 point
    I hope there's a dildo shaped gun that shoots out white paint.
  6. 1 point
    Didn't even notice the article in question was a year old >_<. This isn't even worth a discussion.
  7. 1 point
    it's my old pal John Munro.