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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/11 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I wouldn't mind house parties, as long as there was something enjoyable to actually do. Attempting to pick up the youngest girl at the party utilizing L.A Noire's Truth, Doubt, Lie system in some form of mini-game would be fun. Especially if the protag is in his 40's or whatever. Oh, and if you failed it, you'd wake up in a dark alley with a sore arse and several used condoms in your pocket. Sounds like my kind of night out.
  2. 1 point
    instead of parties at night clubs only it would be cool if there were house parties every night at random houses you can go to or u can go to night clubs
  3. 1 point
    The Christmas holidays have been busy for me, no rest for the wicked! I've been pushing my Piccadilly Slum further and I've made it a roam-able level in Unreal.
  4. 1 point
    ooooooooh whizz kid no you didnt!
  5. 1 point
    Just made a few sex scenes with corpses, it's pretty fun. I could do it for hours.
  6. 1 point
    I'm sticking to the GTA V Gold Discussion from now on, this thread has really gone down the pan.
  7. 1 point
    Every 13 year old has tonnes of cash these days, one word: Parents.
  8. 1 point
    Lazlo!,I want to see the 3d lazlo helping or friends with the protagonist,that would be hillarious I we see him pissing in the street then chase by the police LOL. Absence of lazlo,that guy is freaking funny to see him pissing in the street,and the real 3d lazlo,I will pissed off if he's in the radio.
  9. 1 point
    I wouldn't mind a knitted jumper from them this Christmas, got enough t-shirts.
  10. 1 point
    Hm, you guys don't understand the races. Guess I'll have to be a huge nerd and explain it. Altmer, or High Elves, have a somewhat Asian background combined with the more Tolkien-esque elven culture. Argonians are self-explanatory; they're swamp-dwelling lizards, some similarities to modern American blacks, but it's unintentional. Nord are Nords, Norwegian vikings, simple enough. Bretons were created when ancient Nords interbred with the Aldmer, the ancestors of the High Elves. They're dirty, dirty half-breeds. Khajiit and Redguards are both based on Middle Eastern people (sand honkys), with the Redguards obviously leaning more towards regular honky, with a small amount of Asian thrown in (the Asian influence is barely mentioned, unless you go as far back as their original homeland of Yokuda). Bosmer, Wood Elves, are barbarians, basically. Unlike the High Elves, Dark Elves, or Orcs, Wood Elves were created, rather then descending from the Aldmer. Imperials are white people. Regular, boring white people. Dunmer, Dark Elves, were Altmer who left gay, boring Summerset Isle to check out Morrowind. Some shit went down, people got killed, and they were deformed and turned into Dark Elves, now they're awesome. Orcs were a clan of elves whose leader, Trinimac, was eaten by the Daedra Boethiah and turned into Malacath, and the elves were then turned into Orcs, They're not honkys, although their culture is sort of a mix of Redguard and Nord culture.
  11. 1 point
    The article author, Amir Arrif, should stick to what he knows about (making bombs) rather than trying to understand how computer games work.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    i am not really a big fan of the newer game console and all, but i loved the GTA San Andreas game, one of the best games i ever played and the best Gta game out there. So i prefer to stick with my old ps2 and play Gta San Andreas, but if GTA 5 ends up to be San Andreas on super steriods, with all, and the jetpack (there better be a jet back ) than ill rush down to the nearest gamestop and buy me a ps3 and get the son of a bitch!!!!!
  14. 1 point
    Yeah AmmuNation was one of the things I missed most in GTA IV. There was no reason for getting rid of it and moving weapons to people's basements/back of people's cars. They could so easily set a series of side missions in there too. Fuck dating, bring more destruction.
  15. 1 point
    Video Games = scapegoat for bad parenting
  16. 1 point
    i wouldnt mind while your riding in a helicopter (in the back) a cool first person camera where you can see inside the chopper, but also look around at the world flying beside you. good scenic view
  17. 1 point
    Having never played RDR I cannot comment on the features of that game. But here are a few things I believe everyone would enjoy. Not that Rockstar will ever allow it due to public outcry of terrorism training. Realism is the answer. 1) There needs to be a calendar style timetable a)Changing seasons (snow would be amazing, as would plow trucks) b)Once a year events such as Holidays and Parades were you could find large congregations of people. 2) The AI people in the game should not have such simple random generation. Ideally they would each have different lives, jobs, habits so you could stalk them home. Creepy I know, but don't pretend like you wouldn't love it. At the very least there should be a variety of different jobs they employ rather than just EMS, Cops, gangs, and hot dog salesmen. I want them to perform their job. 3) Destructible environment is key. Trees branches should snap, windows should break on all buildings. Ideally, with enough missiles from a helicopter, you should be able to bring a building down. Cars should be more destructible, I want parts to fly and kill people, although I have been killed by a flying door during a police chase in IV. 4) Realistic gore. I want limbs and heads to detach and fly. At the very least, your character should be destructible for helicopter tosses. 5) Animals, moving ones. Flocks of birds to lay down, dogs, maybe a random deer or two. Lets have a series of hunting side-missions as well. 6) Better people reactions, if I drop a flock of birds from the sky, I want people to stop and be disgusted when they fall on their heads. 7) 60 second recording loop for XBox so I can save amazing things I've done. 8) Many things mentioned by others and found in previous GTAs; real estate interaction, customized businesses, drug dealing, gang affiliations, better cop response(if nobody sees it then nobody should know) 9) And just randomly thought of, you should be able to frame random people for crimes you committed. And different types of people should react differently to the framing, some surrender, some flee, gang members pull out guns and call their buddies for a shoot out. I know, much of this is twisted, but its just a video game, they should allow it. Let me know what you guys think.