I was home sick again yesterday. I felt like shit, but I had an entire day of Skyrim; and it worked out pretty well as I needed to burn out some of my paid sick hours before the year. So, I basically got paid for playing Skyrim yesterday. I started the Thieves' Guild quests, did a shit ton of pish posh errands for people in Riften who all needed 5+ of an expensive ingredient I could make into a banging potion. 10 fire salts? Are you fucking kidding me? 5 Ice Wraith Teeth? Fuck me! I also got the majority of the College of Winterhold missions. I saved last night at 3AM inside Labrinthia or whatever to get the Staff of Magnum Condoms so I can hopefully shove it up the ass of the Elf, Arcano or whatever. I came to the College to party; not to deal with this shit. I have kind of enjoyed the College missions and stop by there regularly to steal ingredients and sell my magical findings. Much better than having to go see that shithead in Dragon's Reach.
I got my Speech skill to 100 by mashing the "A" button with the guy in the Black Briar Meadery; while watching "Top Chef" on the TV. I would switch back to the game to make sure I was still talking to him and to check my progress. I think it took an entire day in game. As soon as I hit 100, he was like, "You have to leave."
I'm loving this game and can't wait to get back into it when I get off work today!