I posted this on GTAForums, so I figured I'd post it here too:
I was just chatting with my cousin in Yahoo messenger, when he asked me if I saw the most recent tweet that Rockstar Games put out. I was not logged in to twitter at the time, so I immediately did so, to see if I could find the aforementioned tweet. I scrolled through the most recent tweets in my timeline and did not see anything from Rockstar. Luckily my cousin hadn't left the page yet, so he decided to screencap it, and send it to me.
It seems to me that Rockstar either put out the tweet too early, or they only wanted it to be up for a certain amount of time. Either way, I attached the picture that my cousin sent me (I cropped it and drew over his username so he wouldn't get a ton of messages or whatever).
Did anybody else see this tweet? What do you think it is, a possible release date for trailer #2?