Leave it to a woman to put in her two cents when no one fucking asked for it. Next time, you get slapped.
I haven't been paying much attention to the GTAV forums. I HATE the ramblings of these proud americans who stake their claim why CJ will be back; why the protagonist is the guy from the balcony!; FINGERLESS gloves; so I have been avoiding the whole GTAV speculation threads. I figured with the new game coming out; these new members will grow like tadpoles in the threads into mighty frogs, that I can play frog baseball with, metaphorically. Maybe I need to start patrolling the GTAV threads again; no one can kill a shitty thread like I can. I'd like to apply for moderator immunity while I ethnically cleanse the forums of gypsies, proud americans, and other undesirables killing the common sense on this site. I don't want to risk increasing my Warn % before the fucking game even comes out.