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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/12 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    ESRB has randomly rated both GTA III, and Vicy City for Playstation 3 this week, but sadly nothing for San Andreas at this point. This would hint towards a PSN release at some point in the near future. Another thing to notice is they've put the publisher as Sony Entertainment, which might suggest that Rockstar Games doesn't have much control over the release. Source: ESRB Latest Ratings Just in case they're pushed off the page by the time you read this: GTA III It's not really a big surprise if they have decided to bring them out on the Playstation store, but i wonder if they've given them the HD treatment?
  2. 1 point
    What would be nice was short cameo, like Stan Lee shows up with words of wisdom in Spiderman. Maybe the main character is mulling over a choice he has to make at a boardwalk, and CJ walks over and maybe gives him a few words.
  3. 1 point
    I just don't think they'll make an appearance based on the fact (like OPX said) their stories are over. You could still be 50+ and kick some ass imo though.
  4. 1 point
    Let's save everyone a lot of time and annoyance here. Give me a list of characters from the III era you'd like to see in GTA V, and I will tell you why they could not/should not come back. If you can provide a decent suggestion for which I have no argument, I will congratulate you extensively.
  5. 1 point
    R* put a gazillion of "useless" (guess that's a matter of personal likes rather than a matter of fact) things in every GTA. Why not functional gas stations? Adds some more realism to the game, just like the car wash did and the friends-system did and the minigames did an so on... and once you get 4 stars a tank of gas is no way near good for 300 miles, I doubt you run from the cops at 35mph
  6. 1 point
    It was a wasted feature in Mafia, it was just as wasted in Mafia II. What happens when your car runs out of gas? You abandon it and steal a new one. Why? Cause its GRAND THEFT AUTO.
  7. 1 point
    Amazingly I agree with your 3rd grade ass, I liked how you had to fill your tank in Mafia II.
  8. 1 point
    For me, it's more about that particular character than the fact that he's old. Max Payne is a grizzled badass, but the guy from the trailer just looks like a regular guy, his appearance doesn't suggest even the slightest potential for, uh, badassery.
  9. 1 point
    Yeah that's a little too much into reality. Maybe EA will make another Sims online in the future.
  10. 1 point
    I'd love to see throwing knives.