Since my other topic has been answered (Not discussed), then i have a few points for Psy to consider.
Psy, Your moderators seem to have a lot of meaningless restrictions on what members can do. Merging and locking topics in GTA5 because there are threads that are related for example. Last time i looked GTA 5 general isn't exactly flowing with new topics. The whole point of merging topics is so that good topics don't fall to the second page to make room for four simular topics, but when you average 3-4 topics a day in GTA 5 general this isn't a problem.
The key to keeping new members is to make them feel important..
People don't like when you lock their topics, and as active as this place is, it's not really needed. You should consider getting rid of all the staff, or at least stopping them from making rediculous changes and locking topics / banning members "because they are annoying" ...
I can't believe a moderator would post a topic in the asylum called "Elitism", asking members if they should ban new members because they are annoying. But they did it. You know better than me, but i CANT believe that is good for the site, or for you personally.
Secondly, on the signatures... thought it was my computer fucking the signature up, turns it was Duffman.
I can see the need to control signature limits, but we didn't seem to have a problem with it before when there was 150 members online at anygiven time, and bandwith was an issue, so what has changed between now and then. I wanted to have a discussion about it, or to atleast hear your response... but Duffman locks the topic because it annoys him... I wasn't looking for duffman's respnse, because he doesn't own the site. He didn't seem to understand that.
Duffmann complains that he made the change becuase it's hard for him to tell the signature is over the 250px limit (for the image). If it's so close to the right size that you have to open up photoshop to make sure it ain't 251 pixels, then you need to find something else to do. Let it be. I can easily tell the difference between 250 pixel, and 350, for example. We've never had a limit on text in a signature, since the main concern was bandwith. If your going to place a limit on it, at least make it reasonable. 250 for image and text is too small.
Remember GTA -SanAndreas? You didn't even have a staff until it was requested by members... something to think about.