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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/12 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    So with the assumption of dogs and multiple rumors that circulated, would you like to see more realistic cops? This includes K-9, battering rams, and being more intelligent over all Sure K-9 would be cool but I don't want a too realistic police AI, and although the cops in GTA 4 were retarded as hell, it was good enough for me
  2. 1 point
    We had these "random" encounters with strangers in GTA IV and even RDR with people giving us stupid little side missions to complete, so will this continue in GTA V? Many of them had an actual life that progressed (or deteriorated) as the game went on which made it interesting to do them and see where their lives went. OPx just gave me a good idea for one: We find an up-and-coming actress who ends up doing porn. (fits perfect in Vinewood) We could end up rescuing her from that lifestyle later or she ends up making it big in porn. So what other kinds of these side missions would you like to see or think will fit in GTA V?
  3. 1 point
    It doesn't matter, that was last gen and a totally different GTA universe. For the 723rd time; fuck CJ, that honky's dead and buried in the history books. Good riddance.
  4. 1 point
    Fair enough. Open mouth, insert foot.
  5. 1 point
    To be honest we can't even make a fake April Fool's joke. That last one about GTA V being in Los Santos turned out to be true.
  6. 1 point
    Well done captain obvious. I think you get that idea from the supposed "30m gameplay" that some guy had, revealing way too many features to have been discovered in 30m.
  7. 1 point
    I'd like to be able to completely write off a car by going full speed into a building or something but as you say the car crashes/damage in IV is pretty good. It's possible to have a high speed crash and render your vehicle pretty much undriveable but I wouldn't mind being able to kill myself in the process. It would be more exciting knowing that if you drive at high speed and like an idiot you could actually kill yourself.
  8. 1 point
    Having multiple game modes or an option to turn on/off the way cars crash is possibly the stupidest idea ever my reaction? V
  9. 1 point
    I'd turn said option on, but probably turn it off just as quick. Just think of the online racing. There'd be a wall off dead and dying cars.
  10. 1 point
    Yeah, and it's why I'm also talking about an option , You could enable this option when you want to make big car crashes and disable the option the rest of the time.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    That is true, but I would like to see more options of clothing you can wear, especially for those in clans.
  13. 1 point
    I don't like the idea of having to pay extra for something that could easily have been included in the main game, but if you did I wouldn't really care, I would just play with default clothes. But earning the money ingame seems alright, but I suspect some people will find ways of exploiting this and cause massive amounts of boosting.
  14. 1 point
    the cheat codes that i would like to see in gta5 is cheat codes to fly ufo's, health code, money code, and a cheat code to get the police off of you.