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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/29/12 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    hahahahaha That actually got me pissing my self laughing, i was on the ground with tears hahaha im still laughing I somewhat doubt that...plus it wasn't that funny, more 'ha' funny than anything.
  2. 1 point
    I agree it would be shit. If it was first person, you wouldn't connect with the character. And not every fucking game has to be first person. What's so cool about it anyway? It suits games like CoD and even Skyrim, but personally idgaf about what my gun looks like in first person. But if it is included, it should definitely be an option. I like the 3rd person shooting in GTA, to me it immerses you more in the character than if it's fps, because then it somewhat seems like yourself; I think that's why FPS is so popular.
  3. 1 point
    that would be shit, i hate first person mode sorry dude
  4. 1 point
    Nah i've played both and they are definitely the same, the ones in GTA VI (or iiiiX by somebody's logic) will be better.
  5. 1 point
    So basically you play through the whole game knowing that if there's ever a bit that's too hard for you to finish you can run away like a proud american and dial for backup and let them do it for you. It's not as if the AI enemies are ever that hard to outwit anyway.
  6. 1 point
    VC, SA and IV all let you call for backup. It's safe to assume it'll be in V as well.
  7. 1 point
    I want to begin as a hobo or a homeless in gta 5
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    That is actually a good topic, that would be cool to have the mob helping you out for once, i would prefer if when your in deep shit with the cops, you can call the mob for back up
  10. 1 point
    Nice. I still haven't started playing around with enchanting or blacksmithing, I'm doing fine with what I find or get from quests. Probably not the best plan, since I'm going to be pretty pissed if I hit a point where I can't get by on stock items and have to spend a shit load of time gathering supplies and leveling those two skills. Still, I'm a stealth character, and that's the easiest play style to keep properly geared, in my opinion. My sneak is 100 and I've got a ring and necklace with decent stealth bonuses, so I don't get spotted unless I fuck something up, and only dragons and other high-health critters take more than one arrow to kill. This topic now has the highest number of replies on the forums. Suck it, noobs.
  11. 1 point
    You don't need to link to his profile, we know who he is. Also, iPhones are for hipster proud americans. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The cell phone was a useful addition to GTA, but it doesn't matter in the slightest what kind of phone it is.
  12. 1 point
    We need a fanboy emoticon.
  13. 1 point
    What kind of phone would everyone like to have? I hope they have an unlimited plan for data and minutes. Also, no iPhones, those are for hipster proud americans.
  14. 1 point
    I would've already killed my wife before that happened.
  15. 1 point
    Well my money is on gtagrl if she shows up GIRL POWER!
  16. 1 point
    Why wouldn't we? R* hit the nail firmly on the head with the mission structure and variety of missions found in Red Dead. If they can carry that over into GTAV, they'll be guaranteed a sure-fire hit. I wouldn't say that got it exactly right. I actually gave up playing RDR at one point because it took so long to get into it. I appreciate they have to help the learning curve, but they didn't have to put in a tutorial mission for every little feature. I think this was a complaint with SA and GTA IV too. It took SO LONG to get into the actual story and decent missions where you start killing townfolk that the game was downright boring for the first 3/4 hours, though it was probably worse in RDR thanks to the slow-as-fuck travelling in a monotonous landscape. If there's one thing Rockstar doesn't take from RDR, it should be that. I agree. GTA V should be for the veterans.. I feel like, if you're not into GTA, or any other game, by the 5th one down the line, then you're not gonna be into it. The story should take a long time, and be intense as fuck all the way through, not impossible, but intense. and definitely DEFINITELY keep the parachutes.. especially if theres gonna be planes and helicopters.. I like the bicycle concept, it would be cool for those skateparks they tend to put in the games. But i think there should be more controls for the cars, for example, i know that they have the brights if you hold down X (xbox), and you can turn your car completely off by holding Y, but blinkers would be cool instead of two handbrakes.. or emergency lights.. also i liked the aspect of an earlier gta where you could be in the car first person mode and look left and right at the people in your car. I realize this is an older thread and R* probably wont read this.. but damn, GTA is so epic, i really like how in-depth the game goes. For example, you can dial 911 on the cell phone in the game and request a paramedic, police car, or firetruck! one thing i definitely forgot was MORE ENTERABLE BUILDINGS with awesome escape routes! especially in multiplayer! My friends and i love causing a bunch of mayhem then running into a building, going up the stairs, then climbing out the window, hopping roofs until u can get to a ladder that will take u high enough to parachute away and get into a getaway car then wait til it catches on fire and do it all over again! but there needs to be many more rooms and buildings to enter and things to do in multiplayer FREE MODE and in main game. Yeah... not F*****g around when it comes to this game.. haha. but anyway.. who agrees with me? disagrees? lets talk about the most epic GTA game ever then maybe R* will read this thread and do it! haha and thats a cool idea!