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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/12 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    FINALLY, ACTION! That was a great watch.
  2. 1 point
    Hi all ! I am an huge fan of gta and I play to gta since the first, so a new forum for gta V (future GOTY) attracts me like a magnet ! In order to help you waiting until the release of GTA V, I decide to create an account for showing you my new gta stunt video So, after long hours spent on gta, I am proud to present the volume 5 of my "Epic Stunts" ! Always such incredible, technical and sometimes completely stupid, the video should, as usual, please the greatest number of my viewers. Thanks to Jeyflip for his help for editing and on the soundtrack. As always, this is make with TBOGT, out with fraps, edited with Sony Vegas, and no mod used. musique : Pendulum - Slam & Pendulum - The Vulture ps : long live to GTA
  3. 1 point
    I agree. Edit : but which building of Century City do we see from the Golf course ? the century or The MGM? In the golf image, I see a left rounded corner and a right straight corner as the MGM building.
  4. 1 point
    Updated my Los Santos Map a little, using the discussed info. Also remade the Venice area more accurate and cleaned up the lines: I'm still not entirely convinced about The Century being in the pier shot. Something I noticed while updating the map was the orientation of The Century. The building in the pier shot is is turned 90 degrees compared to what I have for The Century. The Century was lined up using the golf course scene and might be a little off but not a quarter turn as far as I can see: In addition to that, there are 2 tall buildings near each other in that area as seen in the final shot of the trailer: I'm starting to think that the building in the pier shot may be Constellation Place (MGM HQ) which I had mistaken originally as The Century. Although questions still exist regarding position and height differences. Might work on this more tomorrow.
  5. 1 point
    Speaking of which, the party mode ended up being much more fun than the deathmatch. Plenty of time to gather weapons/ammo and devise a plan to get killed by me I mean kill the other players...
  6. 1 point
    Irregardless. Irregardless, irregardless, irregardless, irregardless, irregardless. Irregardless.