*offers a silent prayer to the patron saint of patience...*
I'm on this thread because I'm part of the forum, and want to encourage intelligent (and sometimes Asylum-worthy) dialogue.
I didn't set out to prove I don't care about the Wii U, in fact I just explained that variety is a good thing.
In the end, noob-like statements of enthusiasm are going to trigger the bullshit meter of the long-time forum members. They did it to me when I joined. So, you can't just start a thread to say, "Yay! I want this game to come out on Platform X. And it's going to be better than all the other consoles!! WOO HOO GO GTAVVVVVV" and think it's going to go unscathed. There has to be some substance to back it up. That's what I'm being adamant about.
Holy fuck.