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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/12 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    You're all hypocrites (with the exception of Ku). You all say I'm unreasonable thinking that there will be a good version of gta 5 on wii u, while you're all just fanboy assholes who just want to watch the wii u fail, because the wii had subpar graphics. Games aren't all about graphics, but apparently nobody realizes this.
  3. 1 point
    What hair are we talking about? The stuff on your head or the stuff around your other head?
  4. 1 point
    Yeah it may well be fake but hey I like it, it's quite modern and suits Los Santos. Even though it's most likely fake still thanks for sharing, its a good tune.
  5. 1 point
    SMH You guys are bitches. Stop barking at unfamiliar faces. If an old member posted the same exact topic, your replies would be completely different. I see nothing wrong with asking opinions on GTAV being on the Wii U, its just as capable as the PS3 and the 360. It'll probably just come out A year later for Wii U anyway. Besides, he typed... What WOULD you think of R* releasing Gta 5 on Nintendo's next system? Not... What DO you think of R* releasing Gta 5 on Nintendo's next system? Im going to assume you know the difference those two words create in each question...
  6. 1 point
    Im Sheep (or Mark, whichever) From Newcastle UK same as Psy, but i dont support Liverpool, NEwcastle all the way of course! I dont do anything fancy, i work for HP (not the sauce) fixing the computers of users of a certain government body. Obviously a big GTA fan, currently playing through BOGT, any issue with the site / forum give me a shout i'll try my best to help you out Over and out