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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/12 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    I really hope by the next GTA they improve the online multiplayer experience a lot. Sure they had the basics on IV, but i really hope - for instants; we can have large freeroam sessions, where you can have say 50-100 players per map. Instead of just being able to kill each other, they should have the freeroam as a sort of hub to start matches, freeroam missions, join gangs/clans, in-which you can have planned matched for turf influence. Maybe a little like what they did with RDR but more. There is so much potential for online multiplayer, that R* North and GTA V could re-invent the genre once again. Make some of your own suggestions that you think would enhance the multiplayer experience on GTA, so we can all discuss it. You never know, R* could see some of our suggestions and implement them!
  3. 1 point
    Oh god not that bullshit n00b channel.
  4. 1 point
    Currently playing Uncharted: Golden Abyss. The game looks so nice as a portable, and really shows off the power of the Vita. Here's a couple of screenshots I took: It looks even better in motion too. The touch gameplay elements are implemented well too. The touch screen really makes climbing simple and effortless, all you have to do is brush your finger across the path you wish to climb and Drake goes and does it. The touch screen is also used for various puzzles and artefact examinations. And most importantly, the story is fun, and Nate is still a funny guy, which is brilliantly complimented by the mo-cap animations that the Uncharted games have always done best! This game is on-par with the first Uncharted in terms of pushing technology in the first stage of console release. It can only get better from here, and Uncharted Golden Abyss has set the bar.
  5. 1 point
    Fake. Doesn't mean anything. The 2405 thing is sad. Nothing GTA V related is going to happen in the middle of Max Payne 3 releasing. That's stupid. How the fuck does that mean the game is 87% complete? Where the hell did you pull that number from? And just because they talked about crews doesn't mean anything is actually done with V. It just means they have a starting point already. They still have to code the whole multiplayer system for the actual game. And no, Rockstar didn't say Gang Wars would be in GTA V. That's Max Payne 3.
  6. 1 point
    Mosh pits would be awesome.
  7. 1 point
    Replay: Yes that would be awesome Rating: Hell no it makes me feel that I didn't "complete" the missin
  8. 1 point
    A bunch of people on SAMP (San Andreas Multiplayer) do roleplay like that, and on the few occasions I played IV online, I wound up in a few Free Roam games where people were roleplaying. Needless to say, I trolled the shit out of them. But anyway, the normal life option could work.