No, the evidence here is overwhelming. Analysts don't pull stuff out of their ass. There is no way Take-Two could see it's shares jump $2.00 without GTA V.
So yes, Take-Two did very much imply that GTA V is coming out before March 2013.
Maybe I missed the bit where they implied it was coming before March 2013. Could you listen to the whole conference call then tell me at which point I should listen to it again. Thank you.
Q4 2012 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Earnings Conference Call
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 4:30 p.m. ET Webcast Presentation
Click here for webcast
Why is logic so difficult for you?
There is not a single thing Take-Two could do to get that much revenue barring the release of GTA V.
So either Take-Two is lying, which is fraud, or GTA V is coming out before March 2013. Pick one.
I don't want to pick one. I want to know which part you think they're implying 'before March 2013'. Please explain for the audience.
Take-Two laid out their expected earnings for the fiscal year. This is everything between now and March 2013. That is the definition of a fiscal year.
In these earnings is a whopping $700 million, the source of this revenue undisclosed, something that only big ass games like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto can ever hope to achieve. It can't be from multiple unannounced games either (Take-Two revealed the expected earnings for their big games, like Bioshock) because they would just cannibalize each other.
So either Take-Two has an unannounced big title or combination of titles capable of earning them at least $700 million between now and March 2013 (and if you can think of one, then maybe you can enlighten us), they expect Grand Theft Auto V to release between now and March 2013, or they're lying. If the latter turns out to be true, then the shareholders will sue them to high heaven.
I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Read what is being said before you offhandedly dismiss anything that isn't an official corporate announcement. You come off as awfully flippant and ignorant.