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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/12 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    FINALLY, we finished the film. We got short-listed to the top 15-20 groups about a month ago, and then yesterday we just got picked to be in the film day exposé We have to go up on stage to introduce our film, and have the chance of winning some high end graphics cards at the end. Anyway, Thanks guys here for all your suggestions and ideas towards our little game trailer/short film. Some of them made it into the final film. Here it is: https://vimeo.com/42962207
  2. 1 point
    real life stuff. Like you can actually lock your cars doors because other criminals will try to steal them and lock your doors and have alarms and my most favorite. Realistic traffic, car speed, people, light times, hours of day ( I always hate it when nighttime is longer then day time. It should be vise verse:))
  3. 1 point
    You're a funny guy City of Dis, my initial prediction (within the week of the trailer) of March 2013 was an educated guess and you're not fooling me with your pretend knowledge of how Take-Two Interactive stocks/shares etc work because it's obvious you're full of dog shit. Have you ever looked into T2's statements properly? No? Thought not, as if you had you wouldn't be making shit up about investors filing lawsuits if they 'lied' to investors. You'll find this [or something very similar] at the end of every Take-Two Interactive news release: Now wind your fucking neck in and listen to the people who know how things go down around here. You ostrich-like cunt.
  4. 1 point
    Not a good idea. Gaming industry is hanging by a thread at the moment. Sony took a loss for along time on PS3 sales, they can't do that again. Another Red ring epidemic would be catastrophic too.
  5. 1 point
    Do you hav parkinson's? Yeah, because if I actually spoke like that I'd be banned already.
  6. 1 point
    Uh, the commercial airline and the crop duster?
  7. 1 point
    No, the evidence here is overwhelming. Analysts don't pull stuff out of their ass. There is no way Take-Two could see it's shares jump $2.00 without GTA V. So yes, Take-Two did very much imply that GTA V is coming out before March 2013. Maybe I missed the bit where they implied it was coming before March 2013. Could you listen to the whole conference call then tell me at which point I should listen to it again. Thank you. Q4 2012 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Earnings Conference Call Tuesday, May 22, 2012 4:30 p.m. ET Webcast Presentation Click here for webcast Why is logic so difficult for you? There is not a single thing Take-Two could do to get that much revenue barring the release of GTA V. So either Take-Two is lying, which is fraud, or GTA V is coming out before March 2013. Pick one. I don't want to pick one. I want to know which part you think they're implying 'before March 2013'. Please explain for the audience. Take-Two laid out their expected earnings for the fiscal year. This is everything between now and March 2013. That is the definition of a fiscal year. In these earnings is a whopping $700 million, the source of this revenue undisclosed, something that only big ass games like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto can ever hope to achieve. It can't be from multiple unannounced games either (Take-Two revealed the expected earnings for their big games, like Bioshock) because they would just cannibalize each other. So either Take-Two has an unannounced big title or combination of titles capable of earning them at least $700 million between now and March 2013 (and if you can think of one, then maybe you can enlighten us), they expect Grand Theft Auto V to release between now and March 2013, or they're lying. If the latter turns out to be true, then the shareholders will sue them to high heaven. I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Read what is being said before you offhandedly dismiss anything that isn't an official corporate announcement. You come off as awfully flippant and ignorant.
  8. 1 point
    I've decided not to tell you because I can't bear to listen to you and other noobs go on about it all over again.
  9. 1 point
    Have fun watching your uploads get taken down immediately. Also, feel free to explain how you will be acquiring the game three days early, I'm sure it will be quite amusing.
  10. 1 point
    I'll hold you to that. You know anything written on the internet is as close to a legally binding contract as to make no difference right? If you don't do it I could legally sue you for disinformation.
  11. 1 point
    Hmm that's a thing, the only bike we've seen in the trailer was missing its front wheel. Hmmm...bike customisation...well u never no.
  12. 1 point
    What date did u choose emmi? I wont win i chose 24th May coz im a spaz.