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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/12 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Well I assume that if R* is to be at gamescom... and the trailer reveals a GTA 5 snippet. It's more likely GTA 5 would be at gamescom than GTA 5 being at E3 (which it wasn't)
  2. 1 point
    I know what They're (They are) means, but I still have trouble remembering Their and There lol. If I ever have any doubts - which I never do as my knowledge of the English language is something to behold - I just remember the sentence "they're over there in their car." And one for QD: "You're in somebody's anus with your penis adjusting the yaw."
  3. 1 point
    How does the 'Flag as spam' thing work on YouTube? This message R* put up a while ago is hidden on their own video due to being flagged. Is there a gang of muppets collectively hitting the 'flag as spam' button in a gay attempt to show R* that they're not happy?
  4. 1 point
    If someone lets their child play GTA, they have no right to complain about the game's content and, for the same reason, any complains they may have are invalid. If they don't have kids in the first place, they need to just shut the fuck up and mind their own business.
  5. 1 point
    Seen this fad all over the internet. These so called "bronies" get extremely defensive about their show. It's pretty simple really, if you publicly feel the need to show mad love for this show as an adult, you're probably a pedophile. And not just a closed doors pedophile, peeking at the kids from your window while you slowly stroke your wang, no. You're a raging pedophile, the kind that goes out just wearing a coat, exposing himself to children and kidnapping them. You probably kill them too and end up chopping their bodies in sulfuric acid, you use the show as a getaway from your madness, you sit there in fetal position as you indulge yourself in pony adventures, their pretty colors and innocence giving you a false sense of hope of ever being a normal person. Yeah, that's what I get out "bronies".
  6. 1 point
    Same, but I doubt anything to do with hijacking a passanger plane will be included. But it would be awesome if you could go onboard and then jack the plane, and then just jump out in a parachute watching the plane plummet to a fiery doom.