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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/12 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Everyone expects there to be safe houses in GTA V, what kind of safe house do you want to see? There has been a good variety of safe houses in the past GTA games, including; red light district, back alley room, shack, ghetto cul de sac, up-market apartment, beach hotel room, condo, mansion, abandoned air field, ranch, petrol station/garage, and many more. I was hoping for some new unique kinds of safe houses to GTA V, as well as some of the expected. Here is a list of safe houses I'd like to see: Top floor penthouse (Mile high - kind of expected) Vinewood hill-top mansion (overlooking the city - kind of expected too) Wood lodge (beyond the mountain?) Luxury yacht (perhaps a transportable safe house?) Hobo shack hideout (after shit hits the fan?) Personal Island mansion (perhaps an little island out to sea?) Have any more unique ideas for safe houses to add to this? then please go ahead and post!
  2. 1 point
    Fuck Zeus. There is only one god. His name is Odin.
  3. 1 point
    Chicken wire + back yard = concentration camp.
  4. 1 point
    (In regard to the most recent screenshot) I believe its just a screenshot of a random NPC. He's too "dull" looking to give off an impression of an important character.
  5. 1 point
    Actually I never noticed that myself, does the whistle audio play in the game or was that added by the creator of the video? I can't remember tbh but I feel like replaying that case just to find out. If that music does play then there's no doubt it is an RDR easter egg. Thanks for the link me friend. Quite interesting easter egg if you think about it. How could it get there? Did Jack just passed away and they trow away his possessions or what happend else why the hat came in the garbage can? Easter eggs have no story behind them.... you guys need to stop. What's the story with teddy bears in BF3, World at War zombies, or the chickens in the cranes in mw3. Many games have easter eggs, usually for the shits and giggles. There really is no purpose behind them. Also the hat defiantly doesn't look like Marston's to me due to the fact there is nothing going around it like in Marston's and no feather... could just be a hat (Team Bondi created LA Noire, Rockstar just produced it. Meaning two different companies for two different games but everyone thinks R* made it), but retards love to think what they want. Watch the credits then tell me Rockstar 'just produced it'.