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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/12 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I was wondering about your thoughts on the weather and setting aspects to the game. do you think weather should affect just visuals in the game like the caractor getting soaked when its raining or sweating when its hot, or do you think it should cross over into gameplay, like if it is windy it can affect your driving in open areas, or other things. Just give me your thoughts below and please STAY ON TOPIC.
  2. 1 point
    wow, only 4 of us again?? we gotta get more people in on this... maybe i should start advertising it on facebook...
  3. 1 point
    18 gold medals will never be broken... congrats phelps, you will live on for centuries...
  4. 1 point
    I'd like to punch the director right in the mouth.
  5. 1 point
    Seems like a money grab to me. I bet it will be filmed in a blair witch or paranormal activity style, as all shitty money grab horror movies are...
  6. 1 point
    This is a classic film, and they're going to ruin it by trying to "explain the mystery". The book does a fine job of explaining the long term history of the Overlook, and has far more detail than what ended up in the movie. Some of Kubrick's "changes" from the book are simply for better flow onscreen, and because in 1980 we didn't have Avatarian technology to create moving evil hedge animals. Show and tell. In film, you show; in books, you tell. Stuff is always lost in translation, that's just how it works. What else is there to show, unless they explain how it came to be possessed? I am dismayed that it won't be based on Stephen King's writing, the article only mentions the sequel he's been working on. Prequels released 30 years after the original film never align properly on film (I'm looking at you, Star Wars).
  7. 1 point
    it would be cool if when it starts raining that peds start pulling out umbrellas and if when its snowing you see a lot of peds with winter coats on
  8. 1 point
    i think fog should be fog and actually give you like a 20m visual range instead of like in GTA 4 where the fog meant the colour of the sky changed and every so often you'd get a big mass of gray across the screen. flooding... i think that should be localized to like the country areas and not the downtown or heavily built up areas. unless it is a flood of like 2-4 inches and you had to control your speed or the electrics would cut out and the car would stop (like in real life). but even then, i think it should only happen once you have completed the game or aren't doing any missions for a while and it should only last a few in-game hours at most
  9. 1 point
    I keep changing my mind as to which is my favourite over the years... As I mature, so does my memories, and I think I have came to the conclusion that they're all my favourite. Every GTA is an elements of the same game type after all. They're like chapters rather than individual books for example. I know they don't all relate, but that's how I see it anyway. What ever provokes a memory of a GTA game at that time, will probably make that my favourite for a while, and then I'll probably go play it for a bit... Oh how i love GTA.
  10. 1 point
    I think they should make buyable houses,car stores,motor cycle stores,Penthouses,regular houses,apartments,city town houses,companys and other regular things you could buy.Also you should be able to get house appliances like tv's couches and other things like that so you could customize your homes you buy but you got to pay a house company to pickup your bought appliances and they take them to your house and you get to customize it your way and the rest you put in storage.
  11. 1 point
    I want it to be a proper crime game in money basis. In The Godfather 2, you could buy rackets, control the guards and after gaining a set, it becomes a Crime Ring. In Scarface: The World Is Yours, you earned money and spent money on drugs, cars, businesses, and your mansion... In GTA V, I want to be able to do that and more e:g buying, selling houses, businesses, vehicles, weapon customization, car customization, bitches, etc.
  12. 1 point
    I would like to see some stealth missions in V, like having to inflitrate a mansion, take out the guards silently and assassinate a boss, or just sneak in and steal something without being noticed. Also I think some missions should be like the thieves guild recruitment in Skyrim. What I mean is you should be able to continue with the mission but in different ways depending on whether you succeed or fail.
  13. 1 point
    i seriously think cops should be more realistic because in gta 4 i pulled over to see what would happen and sometimes they wouldnt get out of the car they would just ram me
  14. 1 point
    would be pretty funny if the cops chased you if you were seen pickin up a prostitute lol, but yeah i think more realistic the better
  15. 1 point
    K9's, tasers, riot gear, tyre punctures, truncheons/knight sticks, CS gas They should actually try and engage in some sort of combat, it would be brilliant if when they are in groups they try to hold you down while they arrest, it would be like an episode of cops xD
  16. 1 point