Since Im a simple guy, I have simple needs! So just the standard gun selection works for me! I have to say I hope they put in a heavy duty revolver like this one:
Furthermore I really hope they implement the weapon wheel R* used in RDR. Real easy way to carry your fav weapons!! Somehow I have a feeling they wont dissapoint us (well maybe the guy who supposedly wants 8 different types of an ak) in the gun department, its one thing none of the GTA ttiles have ever dissapointed me in!!
that's the guy i saw them respond to... and it links to a guy named albert de silva, and some guy that made a reference to a lawyer named ken...
*shenanigans meter slowly climbs*
i was fine until i saw the reference to ken rosenberg....
flame throwers were cool, and i hope they come back just more realisticly. and molotovs are a great idea
Yeah, I quite liked the idea of contruct your own Molotovs in CTW!
I remember the San Andreas days where you could go to the firing range, it was awesome!!!
Where the hell is Dawnguard for PS3/PC? 30 days are up, and no announcement, or even confirmation that it's coming anytime soon. TBH, i've lost interest in playing it. I haven't even played Skyrim in 4 months. Dark Souls is my life atm.
You said the TV doesn't count as a mini-game, which is true, but maybe you can play games on it, maybe they could allow you to play the original GTA's on it...? or zombie games, which will hopefully prevent the release of a retarded zombie DLC!
I had a go at creating a Walter White!
If you guys wanna use Walter, you can download him to your game from here: < go to characters
He does look good without the hat too btw.
If im not mistaking, i believe the 2nd Screen of what seems to be Echo Park is probaly the equivlent of what was Glen Park in GTA SA. Echo Park is known to be in a bad area and is just north of Downtown just like "echo park" seems to be in the screenshot, so it could be the remake of Glen park??
He was rambling about guns that don't even exist. There's a difference between simply not being a firearm expert and acting like you know what you're talking about when you clearly don't.