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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/12 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Using this image for scaling purposes... My estimated size of the city area of Los Santos:
  2. 1 point
    My second favorite GTA ever, behind IV that is.
  3. 1 point
    Yeah I guess. But come on, who's more racist? me or rockstar? They had the black guy running from the police lol
  4. 1 point
    Yeah, but you can't cycle through every pistol, smg etc that you have. If you wanna change one of your weapons then that would be what the locker is used for. I think someone might of mentioned this earlier but I think it would be cool if you could store your weapons in YOUR car. If you buy a car then you should have access to your weapons in the trunk.
  5. 1 point
    I was hoping for less story line and more open world but I was unlucky. Polis station looked like it would have been fun to explore and hang out in, but only being there for a short 5 minutes sorta sucked
  6. 1 point
    I like how you guys hate the idea of playing as a black or latino gang member, especially ViceMan " the honky hating machine " ( and that alot of other's agree judging by the likes his comment got ). I was just wondering whether you are one of the people that disliked San Andreas more than Vice City purely because of the protaganist being Black, and the concentration on "Black Music" in the game. I personally enjoyed the street aspect of San Andreas, and respected Rockstar's interesting approach to the idea. And as for the theories on GTAV concentrating on organised crime completely, and forgetting the street gang aspects of LA entirely. To me this sounds very boring and a missed opurtunity on Rockstar's part to show LA in it's entirety. I mean come on you can't have an open world crime game in LA without Bloods, Crips and the Gang's with the Brown Flags. It would be interesting to show the Latino Gangs connection with the Prison Gang " LA EME " and how the Mexican Mafia is involved on the street side of things. Instead of the old Italian Mafia, Russian Mafia thing ( which were done to death in the last games ). Just my opinion ( and yes I do think I'm Black because I like Rap Music ) ( Even though I'm White and live in Australia and should probably like "Soft Cock Rock" better ).
  7. 1 point
    I normally do a few missions, explore for a bit then start over again when I'm sure I know the controls and how everything works. I won't touch multiplayer until I've finished the story.