infamous was lots of fun... and 2 made better use of the fun, plus it had boss battles, something the first one severely lacked outside the final battle... of course it felt the same as the first, it was a winning formula... what series ever really deviates from their own formula, unless they're looking to re-invent the series from the ground up...
gears of war is no different...
also, heavy rain was an emotional rollercoaster... i 100%'d that game and saw all the endings... it was impressive to see your actions have consequences... get in a fight, and your character shows cuts or physical abuse in later levels... the poor protagonist went through a lot too, and to watch the character progression for all 4 playable characters is truly one of the best gaming experiences out there...
alan wake, metro 2033 and fable are pretty much the only things interesting to me on xbox... the playstation lineup has given me so much... games like uncharted, infamous, and little big planet... and future games like beyond and last of us... the exclusives are what sell a system, even if 75% of the games i play are multiplat...