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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/12 in all areas

  1. 8 points
    Okay guys, here's something on topic I went to buy AC3 this morning (wait for it) and saw the GTA V promotional pre-order cases on display. I took a pic of them all. The dog one is now 100% confirmed, on PS3 and 360!
  2. 3 points
  3. 3 points
    I remember being psyched about that trailer, and predicting the game would come out 6 or so months later. LOL. I'm definitely excited about the scale of those mountains, especially given Rockstar's latest press release relieves any fear that they might just be an impassable range designed to fence the map. In any case, I'm hoping for a surprise trailer at some point today, to mark the anniversary. Wont be surprised if it doesn't happen, thought it'd be a nice gesture. Something to signal that the info drought is one week away from coming to an end.
  4. 3 points
    Dunno why I bothered with all that, but, there you go. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Get back on topic now, gents. Or at least put something on-topic in your post. This has gone on far too long.
  5. 3 points
    wow, this topic is still off-topic... my hype was extremely high for GTAIV, and i was blown away with it... i still play it at least once a month online still.. and it's really all about the driving to me... they've made improvements in the cover/shoot system with other R* games, but it really wasn't that bad to be honest... i still kick ass at it as some forum members here could attest to *ahem aaa ahem*... but the weight of each vehicle totally made a lot missions unique depending on what vehicle you brought to the starting line, or stole in the heat of a battle... know your car models, know their nuances... i thought GTAIV was brilliant, and will love the vast improvements in all aspects of the game with 5... it might not of deserved the perfect score, especially with the glitchy, multiplayer that is still present in current R* games, but it was revolutionary in the world of open world games... this was a living, breathing city that felt real at every corner... something even saints row 3 fails to deliver...
  6. 2 points
    I'm hyped, so i had a shot at making a case based on the flood of concept art we've recently experienced. Yeah i know it's the old PS3 case, but i got half way through and realised the dimensions are different for the new case and couldn't be bothered to redo it.
  7. 2 points
    Please let this be real ! Everytime I enter this forum, I jizz a bit !!!
  8. 2 points
    Im not worried about the viewfinder because all 5 of the pics in there will get leaked. We already got 3 and no one has one yet.... Guys, GTA V has officially started and it makes me fuckin horny *goes into the bathroom to masturbate*
  9. 2 points
    Not only was that way off topic, but formatting technology is apparently beyond your grasp. Paragraphs are your friend.
  10. 2 points
    Im calling legit! Look at that tractor pic... This contryside is gonna be HUGE! They released a second trailer.... or are they about too????? Ohhh boy!
  11. 2 points
    A bigger look at the rottweiller pic
  12. 2 points
    I'm a sucker for a good heist mission. Can't wait to strap on a Bug* exterminator outfit and pull a big-time robbery.
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    You're shitting me after all I said you're going to get a Shitbox. Bloody Hell, we lost another one here!!!
  15. 2 points
    What the hell are you on about. I've got a great connection and the PS3's Online is exceptional ( and free to boot! ). This is why you should buy a PS3 over an Xbox: ~ PS3's Blu Ray is better than Xbox's HD DVD bullshit ( so you don't need four bloody disks for massive games like GTA/ just one bluray disk and a hardrive install ). ~ PS3 has a bigger and better exclusive games library than Xbox ( 10 times better in my opinion, and there are more great games coming soon ). ~ Like I said Free Online, and unlike what alot of misinformed Xbox Fanboys say about the PS3 I have an exceptional online and a fast download speed. Also Playstation Plus is definitely better than Xbox Gold, because you get 45 free A grade games a year, Free Full-Game 1hour Demos for all new games, Auto Updates, Free online Storage, etc,etc. ~ PSN has a better online community than Xbox Live ( even though it still has some assholes ). ~ Playstation 3's have a much lower failure rate compared to Xbox 360's, and Sony has better technical support compared to Microsoft ( who couldn't give a shit about their customers after they've gotten their money ). ~ Playstion has larger hardrive models than the Xbox ( even though you can upgrade these after anyway ). ~ Xbox Controllers need constant new batteries for them, whereas a Dualshock contoller is rechargeable through the USB ( and can last the entire life of your PS3 ). Plus there is a reason the playstation controller hasn't changed that much over 3 generations. And that is because of it's great design making it good on games of all genres ( from fighting games to driving games/ from platforming games to shooting games ). The Xbox contoller's niche is for casual gamers who usually only play shooters, and therefore prefer the Xbox Contoller's Triggers. But it's subpar when playing games from different genres. Just a few reasons on why you should own a PS3, from an unashamed Playstation Fanboy.
  16. 2 points
    So guidoes will die? fucking awesome
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    IDK if R* would start with areas being only available with pre-orders. They never done that before. And shit like pre-order exclusives are never as big as an entire area. That would piss a lot of people off. I doubt they would be releasing info on any DLC already too. No one knows anything about the game as it is. Probably just exclusive screens and a goofy picture viewer. and FYI, posting "STAY ON TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!1?/!!!" is just fucking spam in itself. No back seat moderating. I know it might be shocking but the mods can handle the moderating.
  19. 1 point
    Just saying the parachutist has a rather dark skin tone. I just don't know where to go with this protagonist thing.
  20. 1 point
    SLow down there you're going to run out of your supply for the winter. Your gonna need it to for the info this month. Don't worry homeboy, I'm strapped up.
  21. 1 point
    Maybe they will release the second trailer tomorrow, to mark the years wait? I still can't get my head around the fact it's been a year already!
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Sweet!!! i get to put up all the GTA posters Gus go here and scroll down, look's like some official artwork.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    No easteregg, just a pic of CJ masturbating.
  27. 1 point
    wooden bats would be a cool change from the aluminum ones, also does he looks more hispanic then black? or is that just the way the light from the sun is on him?
  28. 1 point
    Or some crazy confederate redneck racist that makes you go kill honkys.
  29. 1 point
    That town has to eventually get overrun with zombies.
  30. 1 point
    They are worth playing, but years ago... If you play AC3, there will be no going back without feeling like it incredibly antiquated. You're not missing much, but some of the shit with the First Civilization might not make sense to you. If you don't know what I am talking about, there you go. AC3 is it's own story, but you won't know WHY it's set in America and will be missing out on a good portion of the Desmond plot. Where's Lucy? You'll also miss some of the advances in Brotherhood and Revelations that make AC3 what it is today. If you have them, play them, wait on AC3. Or not. Whatever. They're just games.
  31. 1 point
    maybe 2nd trailer soon. but there wont be a third... you know why... cause it out in SPRING!!! YAAAaaaaaaaaaa
  32. 1 point
    The skylines. Los Santos never looked so beautiful.
  33. 1 point
    Holy shit, this game is amazing. I got it on Tuesday and played a little after work (through sequence 2, i think) and played all day yesterday. The zinger after sequence 3 literally blew my mind. I knew something was up, and figured it was something else, but man - they got me. First time a twist has really surprised me. I like the new character a lot, more than Ezio already. I like the origin story more than Ezio's, I feel more pulled into the story. As slow as the first couple sequences were, they really did a great job providing an incredible back story. Being able to play as Connor as a child, a young adult for his training and finally an assassin has really gotten me attached to the character. I almost got a little teary when he came back from playing hide and seek. I thought all of the tutorials; fighting, hunting, tree climbing, etc. were all incorporated into the story very well and made them less of a chore. As far as Connor, his abilities are far superior to any other assassin. I thought Old Ezio was the best so far, but of course as the series progresses, so does the technology and game engine, I get it. Connors movements are incredibly smooth and easy to control. My only gripe is that he hides up against everything. I was trying to open a chest on a table and he's hiding up against it instead of opening it. Other than that, I love the hiding against a corner deal and corner assassinations are incredibly handy. The combat system doesn't seem to be as forgiving as the previous games where I could counter kill just about everyone, no problem. There is more strategy and a more detailed combat sytem in place. I look forward to getting better at it. I think the guns are handled very well in the game. I was worried that it was going to be too much of a shooter, but the slow reload times of the muskets and flintlocks make them more of a luxury than a reliable weapon to fight with; although the bayonettes do make for some awesome assassination and kill animations. The firing lines are handled well and I like the human shield ability very much. While I do miss the reliable crossbow from the previous games; the bow and arrow is a good replacement and is easy and fun to use. The rope dart is awesome and it is very satisfying to plunge one into someone's neck and then hang them for the world to see dangling. I spent a lot of time yesterday hunting and exploring. There is nothing cooler than air assassinating a beaver. I killed and skinned so many animals that I made over 10,000 when I sold all the shit off at the general store. Bears? Fuck bears, I've killed a dozen. Wolves? Fuck wolves, killed atleast 50. Beavers? You don't want to fuck with beavers. I think I have only bagged one cougar, but I am glad I saw him before he saw me. The snares are a nice addition and so is the bait. I've killed just about every animal I've seen so far, except for a squirrel, which I have only seen while climbing trees. I've accidentally killed a dog or two (accidentally air assassinated one instead of a target, whoops) but I try and pet all of the kitties on the street. I love the tree climbing aspect. It took some getting used to, but now I can't get enough. It's my preferred manner of travel in the forest, especially if there is not a horse available. I do miss the conveniently placed zip lines of Revelations, but tree running makes up for it. I tried to get to as many tree view points in the frontier as possible. I have found the rock climbing kind of hit or miss, it's great when it works, but I spent a damn hour trying to get the peg leg trinket in the NW corner of the homestead without any luck. I can climb every rock face, except those. Fuck. I did the first sailing missions and really enjoy the sailing mechanics of the game. I can't wait to upgrade the ship and really unleash hell on those semen, er seamen. I have also completed the first modern day Desmond mission and I did enjoy it. Desmond also handles much better than before and the first modern day mission was a lot of fun. Overall, I am in love with the game so far. I like the story, the assassin and the gameplay. I have heard rumors about a shitty ending; but to be honest, all the AC endings have been pretty shitty - the fact that you can continue to play in the animus is the best part. As long as that's not fucked up, I will be happy. This is definitely one to 100% and will keep me entertained through November and maybe through Christmas!
  34. 1 point
    It's been a year already!? Damn this year's gone by quick.
  35. 1 point
    O.K here are the few great games that have just come out or will come out before GTA V: ~ Just come out or coming soon: Boderlands 2, Dishonoured, XCOM Enemy Unknown, Assassin's Creed 3, Halo 4, Black Ops 2, Hitman Absolution, Far Cry 3, NFS Most Wanted. ~ And coming early next year: Bioshock Infinite, Aliens Coloniel Marines, God Of War Ascension, Devil May Cry, Tomb Raider, MGS Revengeance, Dead Space 3, South Park The Stick of Truth. So as you can see there isn't much to keep you busy. Also next year there is Splinter Cell Blacklist, Crysis 3, Gears of War Judgement, Beyond Two Souls, Sim City, Rome 2, and Metro Last Light just to name a few.
  36. 1 point
    Don't so much mind them making the final three movies; they might surprise us and be awesome (though I doubt it), but... Really? Disney needs to go die in a ditch.
  37. 1 point
    I have a strong feeling GTA V is gonna have the feel of GTA IV but with the content of San Andreas. And the kind of map San Andreas had.
  38. 1 point
    I'm seeing above 95% on everything but PC... Play Magazine UK 8/10 Game Zone 9/10 Games Radar 9/10 Games Master 93% or 9.3/10. Game Pro 4.5/5 equates to a 9/10. Game Stats all below 100% CVG, 9.4/10 Awful lot of below 95%, Oh and 95% isn't 10/10. 10/10 would be 100%. All the ones that aren't 10/10 also aren't the companies that take bribes in exchange for good scores (such as IGN). Conspiracy.
  39. 1 point
    Related Epic meal time video
  40. 1 point
    i don't think gta iv is garbage, what exactly makes it garbage to you? yeah its not as fun as previous games, it doesn't have wacky missions, and its grounded in reality, but ive played it every few month since its release and had it on today for my 6 year old niece haha. there's nothing garbage about it to me
  41. 1 point
    If you seriously think more people pirate a game than buy it on PC, and then think people don't pirate games for consoles, I've got some serious news for you. You're a mong. I wish I had pirated GTA IV before buying it. It's garbage. so.... why the fuck would rockstar not put red dead on pc? for chucks and gigles?? the cost is more then profit.... i imagine this is the simliar case with gta5 Because they just don't give a fuck about PC gamers. Porting it would probably be too expensive and take too long for them to bother with. Try playing GTA IV on PC. So much bullshit to deal with. The crappy Social club DRM, Then the crap Games for Windows DRM and then after the game was total garbage. They probably couldn't be arsed dealing with the fallout they'd get from releasing a crap port for PC and so just didn't bother. Again, if you think more people pirate than buy PC games you are sincerely retarded. The comments section for torrents are plagued with spackers who can't figure out how to get them running. I'd even go the distance to say more people pirate games for consoles than for PC. i never said that more people pirate then buy... stop twisting my words i said rockstar isnt putting their games on pc because of alot of people pirate games on pc .... you call me by shit yet you dont even know what i said apperantly your a "spacker " what ever the fuck that is because you dont see the reality that is truth. ps... how the fuck in the world do you know that people pirate on consoles as much as on pc... there is no chance...,i have never even heard pirating on consoles.... unless you usb it from the pc lol... A. You certainly implied that was the case (or that piracy in general was rampant in PC gaming) and why they were hesitant to release PC games. B. Not fucking difficult. Even easier infact. One time modchip/flash, and then you go to the guy you buy your pirate games from, pop them in, simple as. PC requires cracking, mounting etc. and then you can't go online often. Are you actually defending GTA IV? The game is garbage. Deal with it. Chances are I've played Grand Theft Auto far longer than you. Probably since before you were born because you come off as a dipshit kid. What exactly are you going to do? Run me out of here? Shut the fuck up stop getting defensive (for the record, I never called you a spacker, so don't get uppity) and give up the e-tough guy act.
  42. 1 point
    What the hell are you on about. I've got a great connection and the PS3's Online is exceptional ( and free to boot! ). This is why you should buy a PS3 over an Xbox: ~ PS3's Blu Ray is better than Xbox's HD DVD bullshit ( so you don't need four bloody disks for massive games like GTA/ just one bluray disk and a hardrive install ). ~ PS3 has a bigger and better exclusive games library than Xbox ( 10 times better in my opinion, and there are more great games coming soon ). ~ Like I said Free Online, and unlike what alot of misinformed Xbox Fanboys say about the PS3 I have an exceptional online and a fast download speed. Also Playstation Plus is definitely better than Xbox Gold, because you get 45 free A grade games a year, Free Full-Game 1hour Demos for all new games, Auto Updates, Free online Storage, etc,etc. ~ PSN has a better online community than Xbox Live ( even though it still has some assholes ). ~ Playstation 3's have a much lower failure rate compared to Xbox 360's, and Sony has better technical support compared Microsoft ( who couldn't give a shit about their customers after they've gotten their money ). ~ Playstion has larger hardrive models than the Xbox ( even though you can upgrade these after anyway ). ~ Xbox Controllers need constant new batteries for them, whereas a Dualshock contoller is rechargeable through the USB ( and can last the entire life of your PS3 ). Plus there is a reason the playstation controller hasn't changed that much over 3 generations. And that is because of it's great design making it good on games of all genres ( from fighting games to driving games/ from platforming games to shooting games ). The Xbox contoller's niche is for casual gamers who usually only play shooters, and therefore prefer the Xbox Contoller's Triggers. But it's subpar when playing games from different genres. Just a few reasons on why you should own a PS3, from an unashamed Playstation Fanboy. I completely agree with all those points. imo ps3 is the way to go if only for the free multiplayer. But... Get the same system that your friends have. It's a way better experience playing multiplayer with your friends from real life. Of course I wouldn't know because I have ps3 and all my friends have 360 . But yeah if you don't have many friends that have 360 just go with PS3.
  43. 1 point
    Put my photos of the display in the Spring 2013 thread! Check em out!!! http://www.igta5.com...3/page__st__160
  44. 1 point
    So I just noticed the rating on that Card is still RP. I'm boggling my mind trying to figure out how that poster had rating already.... Also here's the photo I didn't link, this is what grabbed my attention to begin with. (Pic is fucking huge, linking) http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/985/20121031085914802.jpg
  45. 1 point
    another reason to play AC
  46. 1 point
    Nah, just a basic black sign with the GTAV logo there, plus a DVD display with the logo on it as well, I may go have another peek I was trying to be discreet as it's not my job to go looking through boxes… Here's the URL to the box, doing this as a test, somebody confirm if it works please http://imageshack.us/a/img543/1397/20121031085407443.jpg
  47. 1 point
    Dying in a hurricane > Living in the midwest.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    Allah punishing the American infidels!