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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/12 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    No, he doesn't, and neither do you, because no one is making any more off-topic posts.
  2. 3 points
    R* said that they are only making one large city, and they are making it as big as they can, as close to scale as they can, of course it wont be exact, it will be scaled down. obviously there will be some small rural towns across the countryside, but thats it. this map is massive, and arguing about it like 12 year olds, is not gonna make it smaller or bigger. it is what it is. except it.
  3. 2 points
    http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/10/arts/video-games/q-and-a-rockstars-dan-houser-on-grand-theft-auto-v.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 Link to the full interview. Dan Houser is a genius.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    I cropped this from the cover if anyone is interested in using for sigs an what not:
  6. 2 points
    Free mode is going to be all about jumping out of a jet and landing on that blimp!
  7. 1 point
    Im starting to like this 3 protagonist idea more and more now....
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I could play professionally in the US.
  10. 1 point
    RDR is bigger than San Andreas. Sorry, dont understand this map. His calculations say otherwise. Check out his formula, it seems pretty accurate. He did say that riding on horses makes the map feel bigger because they're obviously slower than cars and jets, which does make sense...
  11. 1 point
    Dear The Awesome One: I don't think you're that Awesome! Well he's clearly awesome... it says it in his name... But i have both a ps3 and 360, gotta say the ps3 is everything i need and more. Internet, free online, great graphics, an easy-to-use "menu" screen, oh and did i mention free online? While the 360 is good... for some reason its less attractive to me and just sits there collecting dust sadly.. hmmmmmm, fuck it, VIVA PS3!!!!!
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Is your Father Ned Luke? Did your father move for the weather? Yes. And yes. But what does that have to do with anything?....................OH SHIT! I smoke too much weed..
  14. 1 point
    Shit - this is the delay. 3 months for ferris wheel cars.
  15. 1 point
    .....You're going to play as all of them anyway, like it or not.
  16. 1 point
    If you want to drift to the past then pop in san andreas. This is a new game so moving forward is definatly for the better. Plus the 3 protagonists sound great, I have a feeling you're just alittle butt hurt that one of the protagonists isn't CJ or some wana be gang banger. Trevor, one of the "old dudes" you speak of, seems more bad ass than any protagonist we've had before. I think some people have had the misconception that 5 would be like san andreas 2. Embrace the change. And speak for yourself rather than saying "alot of people" like you have the majority on your back. Personally I'm thrilled the game doesn't revolve around gangs, mainly because it's played out and I'm tired of the wana be hood pop culture. And I'm really glad the RPG elements aren't back. If I'm going to spend time working out it's going to be in real life. And I could care less about buying houses.. It's not like I spend any time there. We get a mansion, a trailer, and something in between from the start. Sounds good enough for saving your game and storeing cars. The game looks amazing. I really hope people like you don't make any developers at R* feel bad about their hard work. Because although complainers are the minority, they spam the newswire which makes them look like the majority.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    That's a great idea! Make it so you can import your own music into the game, so you can rock out with you machine gun out to your favourite tracks. Chainsaw Massacres to the tune of Hollaback Girl ( or some other ridiculous song ). I wouldn't mind rolling up into a rival-gang infested neighbourhood, getting out of the car and putting on "Down for my honkys", while casually gunning down enemies left, right and centre.
  19. 1 point
    If we were guessing I would call you twat, but I would be lying because you're a cunt. next time don't have a retarded guess and then get all PMS when I disprove it.
  20. 1 point
    I've said it before, Michael looks ALOT like my father. And on top of that, when I read the article, I saw that his son was 20 years old and smokes a lot of weed.. That's Me!
  21. 1 point
    after reading this, ive decided you belong in the "other" gta forums. please leave. does anybody remember the bank robber from "3 leaf clover" micheal? long shot since he was really irsih and looked alot different, but what if he survived the shooting, and got packie, niko, and derrick arrested.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Yeah, I wonder if 'Franklin' (what kind of name is that for a black guy, seriously) actually has a Rottweiler, and what it can be used for? Maybe if he does it just stays on your property and kills anyone who comes nearby.
  24. 1 point
    I don't think they'll do that for some reason. I thought about that, it obviously crossed my mind. But that's too predictable. Fair enough, they want to build a good ground for all the characters, but why wait a whole year to reveal a second character in a similar way to the first trailer? I think they know that most of the world knows there is three protagonists by now. They've probably decided to make an explosive trailer with all three characters this time around. Something that packs a punch like the Welcome to The Jungle trailer for San Andreas. That's my guess anyway. Yeah, you're probably right actually. You know what. I think they intended to do a 'suggestible protag 2 trailer' until 'Sandy' happened and screwed everything up. They probably wanted to show one of the other characters off before GI released their article. They may well be in the middle of re-doing the trailer to what i said above so it doesn't seem predictable now, as it wouldn't have been predictable if they released it when they intended too.... If that makes sense?
  25. 1 point
    What's this thread about, again? Oh yeah, the article! I would imagine we've all read it a couple of times by now, but FWIW here is a text-only version. Might be easier for people like me trying to read it on a phone.
  26. 1 point
    I'm pretty sure the second trailer is about Franklin. Don't know what gave it away, maybe the huge fucking picture of him they used as the image for the announcement of the 2nd trailer.
  27. 1 point
    Trevor seems like the most fun, getting up to the most mental things. But i think i'll enjoy each of them in their own way. This is why they made us three players, so we can enjoy three completely different experiences throughout this game. I can see myself completing the story many times with the combination of player switching during some of the missions...
  28. 1 point
    Maybe had you attempted read this page you would've saw that picture 3 posts above yours.
  29. 1 point
    True, but there is some objectives in that game that many still haven't ever beaten. I had to do it all, for 100% completion on PS2 and PC, so I can say... If you want a taste of the future games and how easy they can be, play the hardest. GTAIII has the most difficult R3 missions ever. Paramedic - Most difficult ever, of any GTA game. The reward makes it worthwhile. This mission alone is ten times harder than any of the storyline missions. Vigilante - Most difficult ever, of any GTA game. Done across 3 islands worth. Firefighter - Difficult but not frustrating like Vice City. Again, needs to be done across 3 islands worth. Taxi - Pretty easy, but stay the course and finish. Other than that, it is the Rampages. 10 times harder than Vice City. These take skill, and you will want to prepare. Have full health (125) and Armor, and save before each one. Full health is after Paramedic or just basic 100% health, but grab a hooker. She gives the extra 25%. Hey - it works, just go with it. Kill her, drop her off, whatever. It helps to have the 125%. Especially against certain gangs. It's the weapons that suck, not you. Make sure you have the full armor. Also some of the RPG Rampages can fail due to vehicles spawning - this will continue in Vice City. Get used to it, and master your craft Medieval Teabagger Wench. A trick for the St.Marks Mafia rampage is - you can use a Rhino tank. That is, if you have followed your EV Crane missions, which many ignore. Finally, the off-road challenges look fun, but can be a real fucking bitch. It looks like you can't climb that mountain, but you can. They really tax you here. Again, master your craft girl. You can do it. Best of luck to you. Let us know if you need help. I'm telling you the 100% of doing things is fullfilling during missions, with your tools. Not in the end as a reward, really, but you will gain all the weapons, health icons, armor icons, and police bribes at your safe houses, making rampages and other challenges somewhat easier. In the end, I just do everything as early as possible except the rampages. Remember, in this game, gangs hold a grudge, so you want to do everything on the first island as much as possible because once you leave, it is difficult to some back because they all hate you. Also I made maps of the hidden packages if you want, just ask. But yeah, it's an old game and looks kind of funky. Still - the classic. Also mind the PS2 glitch about the Purple Nines. It's an easy fix, but mind it all the same. http://www.gamefaqs....-iii/faqs/18503 The NInes will not appear otherwise, and you can not do the last mission against them. (They're gone) After that, Vice City and §an Andreas. Easy in comparison.
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    That would have sold me the game back in the day. But non of them can beat the 'Welcome to the jungle' trailer!
  32. 1 point
    Nice work Dup. Tbh it probably won't end up looking much different to this!
  33. 1 point
    both are equal because by now natural selection would have chosen only one of them to survive as they are competing in the same environment but both of them survived so they are both fit anmd good. or maybe it needs more time for one of them to die out. x
  34. 1 point
    I'm after the full works - custom console and controllers, collectibles, in-game content... If they had one super package with everything thrown in, I'd go for it.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Do you not have enough work to do with all ur 3d modeling? lol Yep. Problem is, I'm obsessing over GTA V at the moment and my 3d work is building up!