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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/12 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Very rough Los Santos city estimate as I try to work out the angles/locations/sizes of everything.
  2. 2 points
    This always happend to me on the PC version too. I guess they never fixed it. Uploaded a couple of images to iGTA. I forgot to adjust the settings to full though. Draw distance was still only 75% default or something. LENS FLAIR'D!
  3. 1 point
    i submitted a few screenshots myself... i also have a lense flair shot of my own ...
  4. 1 point
    When I was in High School, I was one of the popular kids. I have a gift of gab, a silver tongue, and I'm just a people person at times. I had friends from all spectrums of high school stereotypes. A blessing and a curse I suppose. We were in line waiting to get out Cap and Gown pictures taken, standing in a group talking. I rolled up a stack of papers to use as a bullhorn or sorts, and said this guys name really loud in his ear. Now this man, Joel, is a white supremist, bible thumping, conspiracy theory believing weirdass, Anyway, he open palm strikes the paper, and with it being such a thick stack on top of the force he used, it burst both of my lips. So after this, he takes off running. There I stand blood all over my mouth...well I clean it up somewhat, then I get back in line to get my picture taken. Lips of course still bleeding. When it is my turn, I sit down, put my aviators on, and smile real big. The photographers face was priceless. Blood all in my teeth.
  5. 1 point
    Oh thank goodness, a Fitty post in this topic.
  6. 1 point
    He works for Rockstar.
  7. 1 point
    Holy shit. How are you doing this?
  8. 1 point
    i noticed that the cutstom radio station repeats the first song every time i go to it... i think someone mentioned that earlier, but it kinda sucks... at least make it random, otherwise it's a pointless addition ... i am guessing random times within a song would be out of the question too...
  9. 1 point
    You want to get files off it? Make a Ubuntu live usb. Get the Ubuntu ISO from here- http://www.ubuntu.com/ Get unetbootin from here - http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ Make a USB flash drive a ubuntu live usb (it's reversable afterwards dont worry) with unetbootin. Its easy to do, then plug the USB into your laptop and on bootup when the OEM logo shows look for "Select device to boot from" or s/t like that. Press the button it says and select "Boot from USB". When it does that, select "Run Live CD" after it has loaded. Then use the file browser to try reclaim your porn. If it aint there that hard drive is dead pretty much and your files, short of being sent off for hundreds of dollar costing recovery are gone. A new hard drive is cheap though.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    you know what can make you mad, i had just got off the broker bridge and was driving my Tampa i stopped at a red light cause this intersection had too many cars at it and then out of no where a cop drives up and hits me from behind then acts like i hit them and chases me which is cause that should have been me chasing him but i got revenge. (didn't think i had a gun did you dumb ass,lesson [don't hit home boys car and he will not hit you with bullets.])
  12. 1 point
    I have no fucking idea what any of you are talking about. My favorite was MGS3. And this looks fucking amazing.
  13. 1 point
    it would be cool if you could drive a sub if your charicter new how to drive one the trains i am expecting will be great to crash and drive mabey even destroy them with weponds in sa on the last mission there was a train on the tracks when you where chasing the other guy i would get out of my car and in the only train with out cargo to drive that was great but the other trains would come at me and i would go right throu them it was cool while it lasted. drive them on the fith one will be fun probely.
  14. 1 point
    Jesus. A catholic school in Nebraska? I would have blown my brains out.