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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/12 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Sorry, I have something better to play in Spring of next year. Will probably look into this around this time next year.
  2. 1 point
    One of the things that really disappointed me with GTA IV was the whole emergency services thing. I missed the special missions when you were in the fire truck or ambulance. And on top of that the FD doesn't even do anything anymore? I am not saying I want to see these super elaborate operations going on but I would like to see them doing something productive. I would also like to see the cops chasing people like in GTA VC and SA when they are in the cars and on foot. It was nice to see them showing attention to someone other than me. Speeding, red lights, MVA's and stuff. I don't wanna feel like I have to keep the cops busy, they should do other stuff too. I also wanted to see a fire truck with a working ladder. It would come in handy when you want to get up on buildings, and lets face it how cool would it be to put the bucket straight up and have a mobile sniper tower! I actually think there needs to be a much bigger variety of fire trucks, ambulances, police vehicles, SWAT vehicles, and of course military vehicles. (In the game not just online)
  3. 1 point
    thank you very lot fellas i'm glad you liked it. that is now four people that like my story this could be my best one yet. jobo i don't know what a bj is but i will assume is it something tasty or good but i think the cookies were more tasty than what a bj is and i got two cookies as opposed to one bj. x
  4. 1 point
    another story time. this one is a good one i've told it to two people and they both agreed it was good. at lunch time one day it was in the summer in england and at summer here it is usually quite mild and nice and breezy but today was an extra hot day and i spent break time putting my face horizontal next to the ground and i could see heat waves so it was really really hot. i had a nice brown paper bag my mum made for me with my cheese and pea sandwich but i don't like peas because they taste of a garden so i took the peas out when i was walking to school and left the cheese sandwich and the peas in the brown paper bag on the hot day. at lunch time i came up to my bag which had been by the window with everyone's lunch food and i opened it and my whole cheese sandwich was melted and i just had a cheese and pea soup left in the bag and it was disgusting so i showed my teacher miss hope and she was very nice and she said come with me and smiled and i went into her office room and she closed the door and then looked at me and then gave me two big cookies because she brought three in for lunch and i was very grateful for it and we ate the cookies in her room and i said thank you after every three bites and we talked about advanced calculus questions. she was great so i decided never to correct her mistakes in maths ever again to be nice. x
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    i want to go in side the police departments like in SA and also that you can buy yore weapon's back when you get busted like in GTA VCS that was the best thing ever the only thing that could top this would be if you could (not illegal) ,buy things from the cops that has been impounded or conven-skated "don't judge my grammar."
  7. 1 point
    Yep, i always use this to my advantage if i don't have a car lol.
  8. 1 point
    sorry i don't play max payne 3 but i can get at what your saying,you just don't like things that are dual. still you can't be bad ass if you aren't shooting two handguns off or two micro smg's the only problem is you run out of ammo faster and then you will need more ammo. So what you are getting at is it would be dumb to have dual desert eagle's but smart to have dual 9mm's,or like something that requires you to use 2 hands too fire and you have duals, then yes that would be stupid ,but just having one ,of a gun that should not be used as duals is ok then I under stand completely. Tell me if i am close to what you are saying or all hope is lost for me. I think what he's getting at is dual weapons shouldn't be in the game. First off using two guns at once on a single target is completely rediculous.. It would be much better to put accuracy into one weapon and hopefully make the killshot quickly. It's ok in games like max payne because max payne is just a crazy slomo diving bad ass game. But as you will see in max payne's multiplayer, dual pistols/smg's completely dominate, making using a single pistol/smg completely obsolete unless you're a much better shot than your oponent. So I believe he, much like myself, would prefer to keep dual weapons out of gta 5. Using two guns at once is something that is best saved for movies and games that don't center on realism. I prefer shooting to be realistic as possible in gta, and duals would just get in the way of it and make it seem cheesy or childish. You can only take realism so far though. If shooting was too realistic, you could only carry 2 or 3 guns and fuck all explosives, can't go on a decent spree with such a pitiful armoury. Recoil would be a bitch and no aim assist would make it worse. Would spoil the fun for me, I am not after a COD experience. Dual wielding would be cool for the smaller guns. Especially if you could aim each separately.... Dual wielding didn't hurt San Andreas none. Fair points. And I'm not after a COD experience myself. But saying anything about san andreas is completely irrelivant when it comes to talking about guns and shooting in gta 5 since it has completely changed. R* has been improving their shooting and hit detection with each game they make (gta 4 -> red dead -> max payne) so I'm hopeing that pattern continues. All I'm saying about dual weilding is that it hurts online play in my opinion. It's fitting for games like max payne 3. But in gta, i don't want to see everyone running around with dual pistols/smgs simply because they have greater damage output at close range. this guy right here took all my thoughts and made them into a paragraph. that is exactly what I meant. well in real life you do not see people going on rampages with dual pistols, in reality this is very impractical and stupid, and the chances of you hitting a target get slimmer if you have to worry about two guns. hitman absolution made this point clear and very realistic, with accuracy dropping so bad that it is better to just use a single pistol and waste less bullets on a single target.
  9. 1 point
    I don't know if you are right but I like this theory. same kind of buildings same kind of wide street with same grass strips in the middle This is not the first time I read something about the similarities of these buildings in both trailers. In addition, after the first trailer, a member of GTAforums noted similar roofs in the "balcony scene" in the south of LS (to the right from Michael) so it was a possible location of chase scene. I don't agree with the road 2 in the first trailer but it doesn't matter, it's minor. I made a "synthesis" of your theory on the image below not to force people to watch the original screenshots to understand.
  10. 1 point
    "We hope that GTA V will do for multiplayer open world games what GTA 3 did for open world single-player games.” That's quite a statement to live up to, have to say I'm intrigued by the possibilities.
  11. 1 point
    I wanna play the Scarface game now. It's probably not aged well, but it was a great game for its time, considering it already had GTA, The Godfather and Mafia franchise to compete with. (only GTA was above it back then though)
  12. 1 point
    I played saints row 3. It was good but not better than IV. There was more side shit but after doing it once I didnt feel the need to do it again. I dont feel like beating the game again either. I beat IV 6 times