i made it to the part III levels for challenges ... i fucking love this game... i am looking forward to the HD trilogy release in a few weeks, i've got the game to play until SKYRIM FINALLY releases something on the PS3... i'll have to dust off that file i haven't touched in about a year for skyrim, but i am looking forward to re-playing old hitman for trophies...
i am a few levels away from challenge completion, but i still have to play through the game on hard from start to finish... sounds like a fucking piece of cake after working my way through all these levels a bunch of times...
plus, when shit hits the fan, i know i can stack 'em high ...
...and hilariously laugh at the ones stuck in the door while i wait for the rest of the level to come after me lol...
EDIT: lol, i like how i have a horrible negative score in the corner ... i can't help it, the judge layed down the law and no one in the courtroom agreed with my verdict... so fuck 'em all...