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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/13 in Posts
2 pointsAccording to Wikipedia it was because of 9/11. The Europe boxart was the original one, but they said during one of their Q&A sessions, "The biggest change was the US packaging which remixed the previous packaging into what became our signature style – because the previous packaging [which was released as the cover of the game in Europe] was, we felt, too raw after 9/11."
2 pointsI can't find an ensemble of emoticons and words to respond to this with, but, I'd fuck you. Me, I have a long-standing desire to be an English teacher. Getting paid to correct spelling and grammar? *Cums* On topic, I run a body disposal/organ harvesting business. It pays alright, but, things ain't like they used to be.
1 pointSaw these just posted on FB. Shark and a fucking sub. Dog in the passenger seat. Crazy shit. edit http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/47481/happy-holidays-enjoy.html Holiday gift sort of speak from R*
1 point
1 pointSimple as this.. Exclusive titles: PS3 Majority of Multiplatform titles: XBOX 360, Though most of the best ones are even on both consoles unless you're a Six Axis Dualshock junkie like me, but most Multiplatform companies don't use The Dualshock 3 to it's full potential anyway. *cough*Rockstar*cough* It's all about what YOU like, fuck the fanboys. Buy a Wii U if you want to. (though I don't recommend it if you don't like waiting) It's like CoD vs BF3, or Avengers Vs DK, or Apple pie vs Pumpkin pie, or Beatnicpie, vs Pieface. Pick one, none, or double the fun and get both.
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1 pointI work in a pub and gaming room. So I facilitate problem gambling while getting them pissed up, with the slight threat of violence always hanging in the air.
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1 pointReally? Is that a fact, or are you being your usual self? *Interlaces fingers, leans back in chair* What is my 'usual self,' Herr Gunsmith?
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1 pointi own '08 the show... it's the only one i played, but i did love the road the show... i never made it to the show as that seemed to take years... but i loved playing minor league ball... i sunk plenty of hours playing with the las vegas 51's and the montgomery biscuits ...
1 pointjobo, you have your head on a lot straighter than I did when I was your age. Fuckin' do it, boss.
1 pointSince im not in the working force yet I will tell you my life plan bear with me. Me and 1 or 2 of my friends are going to a technical school after highschool and we are going for automotive technicians. After that we will land jobs somewhere hopefully the same place or nearby and we will keep the jobs for a while have some money saved up and start our own buisness. We will take a small loan if we have to in order to get the buisness. Im wondering about my next school year right now I want to go to this career center school for half the day and regular school the other half since I don't know much about fixing cars and would like to know a little bit before college. If I do go I might not be able to get in the weightroom and stay tuned up for football. Im also wondering if I go the college won't accept me because of my school and me going to a career center for a little while. Of course you guys couldn't answer that. I get my license next month and I want to find a cheap Pontiac firebird on Craigslist I want a 70s one tho. I will probably spend alot of my time when im older restoring cars. Im going to be the first out of two siblings ahead of me to graduate high school. Im just looking to be successful when im older. I don't plan on getting any women knocked up until I have a steady job and im around 30. Actually I like money so no kids! Im not going to be an alcoholic for I know people who are and can't stand them, but I will have a few drinks. No smoking Im always going to be hitting the weights for the babes and im going to drink lots of milk. Thank you for skipping to the bottom.
1 pointI'm headed back to school (college) on the 22nd to become a history teacher, and am currently between jobs. I've got a second interview at Petco coming up tomorrow, so I may be working there soon. But I've worked and lived all over the US. I've been a camp counselor, a teachers assistant, a retail asshole (clothes, books, DVD's when they still mattered), I've even driven a ball collector at a driving range. The jobs I'm more proud of were Editor/Videographer of Telluride Community Television in Telluride CO (the station is now closed, as it couldn't survive without me), and Production Design PA on the 3 episode wedseries "Pirate, Ninja, Adventure, GO!" It's pretty funny if you have any desire to watch it. Just Google it.
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1 pointLeave him alone! He lives on a chocolate bar.
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1 pointYou don't have to be a little prick just because you disagree with someone.
1 pointAnyone here with a PS3 played this game yet? I got it just before Christmas as a quick treat whilst browsing the PS Store. For those of you that haven't, and don't really know what it's about, i will explain. Mankind has somehow disappeared, not sure if they were wiped out or up and left. But that's all we know to begin with. Animals have become viscous and selective and have taken over the streets of Tokyo. You start out as Either a 'predator' or a 'grazer' which have obvious differences in survival styles. There are two modes; - Survival is simple - Chose an animal, breed and survive as long as possible whilst fulfilling challenge requirements. Challenges can be as simple as finding 4 "meals" in a row, or taking over territory on one district, or fight a ferocious beast in a neighboring district. - Chapter mode is unlocked over time, based on challenge results in Survival mode. These are set stories surrounding the disappearance of man kind, and the evolution of common house pet's instinctive requirements. So that's what the game is about. Do i like it? At first i was like hmm... how could this be any different from those Tamogotchi things from the 90's. And i was right, to some extent. It's survival of the fittest and you have to use skill and logic to survive. It's challenging at times, and requires full attention, as you could walk around the corner without creeping, missing the tall grass next to you, and get ripped in half by an awaiting lion. or you could run up to two sleeping hyenas and stealth kill one, but the other yelps for backup and you're suddenly in shit creek. So you have to asses every possible kill. The game is surprisingly addictive, and is one of those games where you will continue to go back for more. Different Creatures are unlocked over time through challenges, and rewards you with by making them available at the start of each game. There is a big selection of animals/breeds to chose/unlock ranging from pomeranian dogs though to elephants and crocodiles. For a cheap PSN download, which is also playable through remote play on Vita. This game is a must try. You will never have played anything like it imo... 8/10 - It doesn't matter if it's not a full title, a well deserved 8/10 for new and enjoyable gameplay style.
1 pointWow. Such a simple process, and yet the results are so complex. Fascinating. I can't wait to see you be proven right. Keep it up, Fitty. Forget it. You know what? Fuck you, Fitty. This guy's totally right, and I, for one, like his map a hell of a lot better.
1 pointDon't remember reading that. Would be good though. Fire up the old RAG3 file..... Looking back on it, the storyline was way too short. DLC's would be good. I agree. The game was beautiful, just too short. The Scorchers DLC Rage's first bundle of DLC, "The Scorchers," is available now on PC and Xbox 360 for $4.99/400 MS Points, with the identically priced PS3 version dropping with this evening's PSN update. The package adds a new clan, new weapons, new areas to be angry in, a new "Ultra-Nightmare" difficulty level and the added ability to keep playing the game, even after the story has ended. Link
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1 pointpersonal i like the idea of being franklen and having a rotweiler to git people and bite em, it woud also be fun living in the ghetto causing troble n fighting bangers.
1 pointI see myself playing all of them but Ill play more of Franklin just because he looks more gangsta and resembles CJ in a way to me. If there is gangs ( duh ) Ima join on ( like not kill them ) and think Im Blastin Ballas All Day Errey Day
1 pointWell the character I most relate to is Franklin ( being young from a poor background/area wondering what he's going to do with the rest of his life, and having gangsta/drug dealing fuck ups for friends ). But the other two characters look very interesting as well. Can't wait to find out all about them when the game comes out. Spring Baby!
1 pointTrevor seems like the most fun, getting up to the most mental things. But i think i'll enjoy each of them in their own way. This is why they made us three players, so we can enjoy three completely different experiences throughout this game. I can see myself completing the story many times with the combination of player switching during some of the missions...
1 pointYeah apparently they'll go about their lives and whenever you switch to that character you'll be taken to their current position, can imagine switching and the guys in the middle of the ocean xD As for my favourite character it's hard to decide, Micheals in the WPP, did he snitch on somebody over on the east coast? Trevors probably gonna clash with Micheal and get killed unless you can choose not to kill him or play as him, so I'd say Franklin but I think they're all gonna be fun to play as.