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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    they're already moving on from connor and the american colonial setting?? i thought for sure we'd be here for a couple of games... i understand that he is desmond's past, but i am not convinced the desmond story is done yet... still, this announcement is no surprise to me... there's been a new assassins creed every year since II... and after the disappointment of ACIII, i am not buying another assassins creed game... you will now forever be a rental just so i can see the continued story... these games have lost their replayability and the multiplayer sucks balls...
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    Thanks for the heads up.
  4. 2 points
    ..feels like gtaforums around here!
  5. 2 points
    ^You see that? that's the smile of a fuckin champion! bOnEs, take notes
  6. 1 point
    I also like to collect playing cards. What deck is that? Con, you never told me you were a firefighter! Neat. That Les Paul in the lower right...That's not a Robot, is it? Almost positive it's not, but the actual model name escapes me. That's a serious amount of money right there. I see you like Strats. That les paul is definitely my fav out of the bunch. I play it 90% of the time, but I do use the others for recording. My second fav is probably the Gibson SG kind of near the right top. (hard to see it in that pic, its plum colored with a tony iommi pickup in the lead) That les paul is a 2006, its #333 out of 400 made. I have strict instructions to all my friends and fam to bury me with that sukka! (not even kidding haha) "That's a serious amount of money right there." Life long musician! (and producer) Here is a little clip of me playing some leads on the tobacco colored strat. (its a 1999 usa standard model) http://werd.us/riv3r/pfcn-mesn.mp3
  7. 1 point
    I think its basically been established that there will be a military jet, and it will most likely be a VTOL like the Hydra, but I kind of hope that it won't be the only military jet. I'm not about to go all military fanboy 'gimmie all dem jets evar', but at least two military jets would be good. Maybe the hydra for dogfights, and a bomber for ground targets such as tank whores, and douchebags.
  8. 1 point
    I see this going towards more of the smartTV all-in-one integration, expanding on the other content available through the console...TV shows, movies, music, cloud storage, facetime/Skype-like calls, connectivity with phones, tablets, printers, external storage...basically competing for our attention by making it easy to access it all from one interface. The reference to 'new styles of play' must have something to do with the new controller and profiles, and perhaps mobility and multi-user logins.
  9. 1 point
    When I got ACIII I thought I would be playing it 24/7. Turns out I played for a few hours, and since then been playing about 2 hours every few weeks, since it's quite slow and for some reason it doesn't seem as epic as ACII which is still one of my favourite games ever.
  10. 1 point
    That's why AC3 felt rushed and unpolished...too busy working on next chapter stuff.
  11. 1 point
    Anyone else notice the resemblence or am I too stoned again??? For me, I think it's the cold, steely stare......
  12. 1 point
    I didn't say he was one, I said he seemed to be one. And I also said he showed favouritism and bias towards his system of choice. Which he obviously seems to have, judging by what he wrote. Also I hate it when people try and make out how neutral and objective they are about which is the ideal gaming console, when they probably have a more favoured system themselves. They try to take the moral high-ground, and act like they're superior to other gamers, who are just trying to tell it like it is. I just want my money to go to a company ( Sony ), that will use it to create innovative, and better games. Rather than waste it on companies like Microsoft, who don't even seem to be making a profit. And are just trying to bring down the level of game deveopment because of their rivalry with Sony. PS Fuck Microsoft and their Horde of Casual Gamers.
  13. 1 point
    Sigh, facepalm. Anyone thinking V will be released on next-gen needs to break out their logic shoes and go for a long, long jog. R* developed this entire game on existent generational technology. Even if developers already have their hands on next-gen technology, the bulk of this game was so, so very likely developed before that technology even existed. And I've said this before -- they intitially intended to release the game this spring. Perhaps as much as a year before next-gen is available in stores (maybe slightly less, maybe more). The delay has nothing to do with next-gen technology. So you really think they'd say, "Here's GTA V! Buy it now and have it collect dust until a system is released you can play it on!" No, no, no, derp, derp, no.
  14. 1 point
    I hate SIXAXIS, espeically when it was an option on your phone in GTA IV that I misclicked often.
  15. 1 point
    Guys, chill. Game informer among other game mag critics have played GTA V on PS3/360. Enough said. There is a chance it will be ported to new consoles though, like they do with the PC version. And just up the texture quality and other graphic settings.
  16. 1 point
    I'm no expert, but releasing it only for the new consoles will massively reduce sales won't it? Since not every single person will buy the next generation of consoles immediately.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    *Looks around* *Lights cigarette* Gentlemen. Dragonborn is downloading. *Remember he doesn't smoke, coughs heavily and throws cigarette outside* *Catches bushes on fire*
  19. 1 point
    it'll probably go something like this;
  20. 1 point
    Dunmer, Bosmer, Altmer, Orc for me. Good shit. My bosmer is my main character.
  21. 1 point
    229 days to go! at least we got a release date... isn't that wat so many people wanted, now you got it
  22. 1 point
    A new life is another good one.
  23. 1 point
    i thought you only started over because of the end... and i disagree on the story part, it was actually engaging and fun for me... brotherhood and revelations were kinda boring to me, never went anywhere, whereas this one took you through history... i did like that and i really liked the ending... and desmond's story was developed quite well i think throughout the series, and really played strong in III... connor wasn't a strong lead until the 3rd act, so it was hard to connect with him until the end... combat was OK, but the open world was not the right idea it seems... the cities were too spaced out, streets were too wide, and there was too much nothing in between locations... tree running was fun the first dozen times you did it, but became boring and a chore later in the game... getting from location to location meant either fast-travel or riding a horse... if you did neither, have fun getting lost in the woods somewhere... design was kind of an issue, but my biggest problem was mission scripting... too many times i failed missions because of janky-assed controls where connor would grab window ledges while i was trying to chase someone, or jump in the opposite direction off a building or tree... and the non existent help indicators to tell me what i even had to do in the first place sucked balls... i stood around in some missions wondering if the game failed to load the next sequence, only to learn i had to wait in a specific spot for a few seconds... complete garbage... thank god for the amazingly great naval combat sequences... it saved this from being a lost cause...
  24. 1 point
    Well fuck you, then. Rich asshole.
  25. 1 point
    Me and my girlfriend (soon to be wife) Yup bought a ring last week
  26. 1 point
    I am impressed as well, we have seen plenty of idiots lately.