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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Now to troll people with it........
  2. 1 point
    And remember you don't have to do missions, you don't have to do anything. You can spend hours exploring, clearing dungeons etc. Hunting animals to level up skills and collect their pelts is what I find best to do first thing.
  3. 1 point
    Fair enough, then my question is, if you knew that they'd bring it out bigger and better version on the Next Gen consoles only a few months after they released it on this Gen, would you still pay top price for it when it comes out in Sept? It'd be like buying an LED tv now rather than wait six months for an OLED tv with no price difference. Personally if Sony announce the PS4's release date before V comes out and it's within 6 months of the date, I'll quite happily wait and save my money. If it turns out to be the game I'm hoping it to be, I'd happily pay for it 10 times. Billions of dollars go towards shitty games like Call of Duty, so I'll happily financially support better quality games. So that hopefully in the future developers like Rockstar will still have the money too compete with assholes like Activision. Creating great original games, and continuing to evolve gaming as a genre. I want bigger and better worlds, full of great characters and stories. I want games to push the boundaries, of what we as gamers think that they can do. And everyone who wants this should be supporting Rockstar's latest Open-World Offering, over the same Bland and Boring, Online, Pray-N-Spray, Corridor Shooters................................. .................... Although then again I do like me some Zombie killing once and awhile.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Like BlackSox said, that statement doesn't mean there won't an updated version of V for the next gen.
  8. 1 point
    1. PSN doesn't get taken down everyday, that happened like once last year, just like it happened to XBL the other year as well... 2. I've never had an update take more than a few seconds either, but then I have fast-ish internet, which is what makes a difference. There is no difference within the consoles as they both use the same hardware in terms of networking.
  9. 1 point
    im not trying to cause an argument, but it seem where anywhere you go people who prefer xbox get right in your face explaining how everything is better etc. you cant even joke about it anymore. someone on my facebook a while ago said he had a problem with his xbox (cant remember what) and asked what should he do? i told him to get a ps3 as a joke. and suddenly theres about five of his friends having a go at me because im 'pathetic' and i know nothing about consoles and how they work etc. the online is much better, so on and so forth i'll be honest, the only reason i prefer ps to xbox is because thats what ive always had. thats the kind of person i am. i always wear DC's because i always have.
  10. 1 point
    Because of his retarded stage name and the retarded title of his song, I hope not. I just looked up the song, and I have to agree. It's O.K. by Modern Rap's standards, but very mediocre when compared too better Hip Hop. Personally I'd hope for some better shit then this for the rap station. But I haven't heard a good song in ages, I just hope Rockstar digs up something good. Mediocre?? It's complete shit! Reminds me of Waka Flocka except this guy has an IQ maybe 10 points higher.
  11. 1 point
    an L.A Noire gag reel. more enjoyable than the whole game.
  12. 1 point
    I hate reading negative impulse-comments. Changing a releasedate is a huge deal in the game industry so it's not something they've done lightly. It was something that had to be done in order to bring us the full experince of a game that (I believe) is gonna be a milestone for gaming history. Well maybe not as extreme as a milestone but it will be something special. Waiting sucks but keep in mind that stuff like this happens alot in an ever-changing industry.
  13. 1 point
    I'm sure they'll remove the safehouse feature along with the carjacking feature.
  14. 1 point
    I smoke weed for pain, not that it leviates it, but i get stoned enough not to care about the pain. I also ride around on those carts, not that i'm fat, but lazy. and they have little horns to make people move, and they're fun to use as bumper cars