Fair enough, then my question is, if you knew that they'd bring it out bigger and better version on the Next Gen consoles only a few months after they released it on this Gen, would you still pay top price for it when it comes out in Sept? It'd be like buying an LED tv now rather than wait six months for an OLED tv with no price difference. Personally if Sony announce the PS4's release date before V comes out and it's within 6 months of the date, I'll quite happily wait and save my money.
If it turns out to be the game I'm hoping it to be, I'd happily pay for it 10 times.
Billions of dollars go towards shitty games like Call of Duty, so I'll happily financially support better quality games. So that hopefully in the future developers like Rockstar will still have the money too compete with assholes like Activision. Creating great original games, and continuing to evolve gaming as a genre. I want bigger and better worlds, full of great characters and stories. I want games to push the boundaries, of what we as gamers think that they can do.
And everyone who wants this should be supporting Rockstar's latest Open-World Offering, over the same Bland and Boring, Online, Pray-N-Spray, Corridor Shooters.................................
.................... Although then again I do like me some Zombie killing once and awhile.