I didn't know there were still guys dumb enough to not have their fiancee sign a pre-nup. Maybe that isn't an option in England or something, I dunno. If not, that's another thing about your fucked-up country that needs to be fixed.
On the subject of marriage in general, any woman who flat-out expects you to propose is a cunt. That type of girl just wants someone to support her and spend money on her, and I don't feel the slightest bit bad for the moron that gets sucked into that shit - you're just as weak as she is.
We're well past the point in human history where marriage is a social obligation. Men don't need to take a wife, and women don't need a man to support them anymore. Not in America, not in the UK, not in any country that isn't an ass-backwards, third-world shithole. No one needs to be married anymore.